9 years ago
blackridge rivals
is anyone else having trouble with these races? i seem to have lost just as many as ive won and more often than not if you "just" win a race you gain less points than you lose if you "just" lose a ra...
@koah7341 wrote:
And what's with this ghost thing... like I understand it's not that fair when you block someone on purpose from passing you or when you ram them but to be honest it makes it feel like it's more of a race me against another person. It's not fair if a car can pass right through you to win. They should have to go around me. Just like running a marathon pass through me nope around me..
Well, I guess making p2p races is next to impossible, since the reactions needed are in fractions of seconds, and there is no way to transfer data across mobile platforms that fast around the globe. Thus we race against pre-recorded races of other players. And if you tackle your opponent or interfere in any way, what should the game do? So they are ghosts.
@koah7341 wrote:
And second problem.. why did they create race skips. If I only have so much gas and I want to use that on races I can actually make more cash off of instead of on another race. I have a * ton of them and I won't use them because I need cash and yes I would rather skip a race I don't want to use the fuel. I wish I could trade in race skips and visual points they are useless to me. I have like 2 million visual points and I haven already bought just about everything in the shop.
I love this game just want more cash and gold
Well, I feel it the other way - let the race skip be optional, that is, do not limit number of race skips available. If you have time, want practice or more cash, just race. If you are in a hurry, do not want to waste your fuel, but cannot afford to race, just use skips, whats the matter? Since level 80 or so the repetition was so boring that I raced most of my races on easydrive anyway. And raceskip is just a tiny bit worse cash-wise, but a lot better time-wise.