9 years ago
blackridge rivals
is anyone else having trouble with these races? i seem to have lost just as many as ive won and more often than not if you "just" win a race you gain less points than you lose if you "just" lose a ra...
@TheRealJony thanks for the info, now if only i could stop bouncing off the walls, the road blocks and every other car i might have a chance
@richieluv76 :eahigh_file: your comment cracked me up! I feel your pain 😬
I could swear my CCX is possessed. It's become a stun magnet that also happens to be weirdly attracted to the rear bumper of every pedestrian motorist on the road! Ramps have also become dangerous obstacles to avoid rather than opportunities to charge up nitro, sending me literally into orbit or splatting me into a bridge. Cop cars now seem anchored to the tarmac too.
I'm stuck on the 3600 mark and seem to take more steps backwards than forwards lately.
@EA_Barry wrote:
It's tough at the top huh?
@EA_Barry Oh yea. Definitely!
I always have to win 3 Rivals races against real player ghost opponents. Make a mistake and I could have 55 points deducted from my total SP. 🤭
@richieluv76 wrote:
@TheRealJony thanks for the info, now if only i could stop bouncing off the walls, the road blocks and every other car i might have a chance
@richieluv76 I was wrong by a bit in winning 3 Rivals races against real player ghost opponents. I edited my previous post to put in the right one. It's much easier than I thought it would be.
I kept winning Rivals races, so I assumed I would have to win 3 Rivals races against real player ghost opponents again if I lost one race.
When I did lose a race due to police roadblocks set in a race, I did another Rivals race against a real player ghost opponent and won that one. (I already won two Rivals races before losing that third race)
Turns out, I was able to race an AI ghost opponent after winning that "redemption" race.
@scottfollett wrote:
Looks like all the Nitro spammers are back...EA and FireMonkeys owe us an explanation and a refund for any gold spent on this event!!!
I was dominating a race against a cheater, but the game was apparently on the cheater's side. 😞
I was ahead of the cheater by over 100 m, but the game threw so much stuff at me.
Traffic cars, cop roadblocks, and ESFs were all thrown at me.
I hit a few traffic cars, but those didn't slow me down much. I dodged all ESFs.
However, I kept hitting cop roadblocks and took so much damage upon impact. Eventually, my car got wrecked and I lost 55 points for losing to a cheater.
Oh well. I got my points back already.
@TheRealJony I was in the Top 15 and I am yet to see an AI player. My best win streak is 9 races but I have not seen any AI player so far. Weird.
@WildeKnight07 and @richieluv76 I have same issues. And ESF is the worst; it always gets me when I am 50-60M ahead of the opponent with 90% race completed. The ESF is supposed to kill your nitro and make you lose control of the car but it does more: it seems to turns your car towards the nearest wall, car or obstacle, or if you are in mid air then lifts your car a few extra meters. The game physics seems to be altered too much for rivals. Now crashing into walls or corners flips your car around 180 degrees or straight into the nearest obstacle. I am sure it wasn't like that before this update. Fishy.
Yesterday, I raced against a cheater with a Koenigsegg CCX with infinite nitrous.
Before I pressed the throttle, I saw there were ramps set on the race course. I, then, thought I had a chance of winning because of those ramps.
I pressed the throttle. Got Perfect Launch.
Surprisingly, the cheater didn't get Perfect Launch. :eahigh_file:
I took those jumps when necessary, kept my speed high, and dominated the cheater by over 1 second.
I just don't get people that want to cheat in an online game. Don't they understand their efforts are wasted whenever their accounts get banned...? 😞
Waste of time, waste of effort.
@7ru3blu3 wrote:
@TheRealJony I was in the Top 15 and I am yet to see an AI player. My best win streak is 9 races but I have not seen any AI player so far. Weird.
@7ru3blu3 Really?
Then it may have to do with my high SP score that the game is giving me an AI ghost opponent after winning 3 Rivals races against real player ghost opponents.
To be sure though, can someone post here saying whether or not they got an AI ghost opponent after winning 3 Rivals races against real player ghost opponents?
@7ru3blu3 wrote:
Now crashing into walls or corners flips your car around 180 degrees or straight into the nearest obstacle. I am sure it wasn't like that before this update. Fishy.
I made contact with the walls during my Blackridge Rivals races and my car still goes the way I want it to go.
@scottfollett wrote:
@7ru3blu3 @TheRealJony I've had one AI Opponent after winning a few races in a row but not until was level III...which happened recently. I had the AI player with the samurai lookin' pic.
Then I guess it's just only for me.
The game always gives me an AI ghost opponent to race after winning 3 Blackridge Rivals races against real player ghost opponents. I guess it makes sense since I'm unable to gain any more SP from winning against real player ghost opponents.