Forum Discussion
So.. I am playing the game with a controller, and with manual gearbox..
as most games, gear down is bound to LB and gear up to RB..
SO FAR SO GOOD.. right?
no! because the game has specific actions that are TIED to the SAME KEYS (and that can't be changed!!!!!!!)
like???? when you're in a cop chase, you can click LB to BRIBE THE COPS, costing you 10,000$
SO? well, very simple.. I go out at night, look for some cops to raise my heat and EVERY DAMN TIME I SHIFT DOWN GEARS I am bribing the cops, loosing the heat level and loosing 10K!
REALLY?? Was it a monkey that randomly typed on a keyboard these IDIOTIC KEY BINDINGS???
I can't believe this.......... I'm so out of this game now, no way.
- 6 years ago@uforoboso just FYI.. in one night, one cop chase, I just lost 60K trying to do a challenge and instead loosing all my hard earned money.. I seriously can't believe it - is this game still in BETA?
no, actually this would not even happen in a BETA.. maybe in an ALPHA build.. - 4 years ago@uforoboso I have this problem too! * NFS..... After Carbon its been downhill now this is so * up. How difficult would it be to have custom key bindings? I am never buying NFS without researching first... Takes the fun out of the game...
- 4 years ago
Hi, you're right, all of you, i got this and other NFS's on PC and had them on PS4 as well, i started looking for ways to configure it today because on pc my xbox controller broke (RT button) and today i just got my elite 2 controller thinking i'll be able to use the extra pads for... something. Nope, they do what LB, RB, A, B do... can't reconfigure, can't do anything...
£159 for nothing. I'll probably buy an xbox now... 🙂)) but i'll stop my subscription to EA Play... so i'll have that going on for me, which is nice
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