8 years agoMultiplayer Free-Roam
I am posting this as both a request to Ghost Games, and a warning to the potential buyers of NFS Payback. Multiplayer free roam is a core element of what made NFS 2015 fun, and what people enjoyed...
Hi, I'm writing to ask if you could add online free roam to Need For Speed Payback. Online free roam is an essential part of racing games nowadays. I don't know why you wouldn't add it. It seemes as if you are going backwards in time and not forward. I found out about this after Pre-Ordering the game and watching a video that Straight Up Hippo had made on this topic. I think that online freeroam is essential for the game. Please take action on this EA and Ghost Games.
Yea, I pre-ordered this NFS, the first NFS game in a long time that I actually had high hopes for...... and then I heard about the lack of Online Free Roam..... Do you have any idea how stupid I feel having convinced my friends to get it as well? Well, we're waiting for some kind of official announcement that tells everyone that Online Free Roam is going to be in the game like in 2015..... if this isn't made clear before the launch, we are refunding all our copies.
We're not going to support such a stupid decision. You claim to listen to feedback, and I can't imagine anyone actually wanted you guys to remove such a core element of the game. People endure the single player JUST so they can unlock stuff and then go cruise with people, friends AND random people you meet..... if that's not part of the game... What's the point?
No support her at all from EA at the moment and if you call free roam Lobby cause that's what it is you free roam with max 8 players till lobby ready and that's it
This game is going to die in a months time when everybody that bought the game on release or preordered finished the story mode, yeah we might play a few races in speedlists but that will get really boring without the freeroam, during freeroam we relax between speedlists and that keeps our interest to the game alive. This is going to die, hell do I regret buying this!!!!
And still there is silence... I wonder if they consider us as people atall??? Or are we animals that are milked for money
there shold be no collision in the game betwen online players only against traffic cars would make multiplayer way more enjoyable feels that im in destruction derby and winer is the lucky guy that didnt get rammed off the road before the stupid checkpoints that this game has then you have to turn around to come back and pass by the checkpoint lol checkpoints in racing game....
A friend of mine, once told me that R6 was * at the begining, and the game bonified over time, whit more work put on it, it went from bad to what it is now ( I suppose its good enough now, because a lots of people are playing this game). We can't give up, if they are really looking forward to see if something is doable, then go for it and hope that the whole community didn't die waiting !
well that does it for me i was looking forward to this game as a xmas pressy thank u all for the heads up there wont be multi player on this game well i have just saved my self alot of money better look for a different game for xmas