Forum Discussion
470 Replies
- Anonymous12 years agoGreatness was waiting once I received the PS4 and need for speed. However, greed took into effect and greatness still awaits until theses BUGS are fixed!
Shame on you EA sports/ignited shame on you PlayStation 4, and shame on any other third-party company that did not make the Logitech steering will compatible for the ONLY launch racing game for the ps4. Don't get me wrong, this game is amazing and I cannot put it down. However I was waiting months for a racing game that will be compatible with my Logitech G25 wheel and my car seat. This wheel is the best for the playstation and I couldn't believe the G25 wheel as well as the official Sony headset are NOT compatible with the ps4.
Regardless on how good this game is, and it's awesome btw or how long I've been a fan of PlayStation, these compatibility issues that were CONFIRMED To work by official and I unofficial sites ( regardless, both have connections) on launch date this is unethical, right? What a shame across the board. Someone step up and give us (the paying consumers) some answers. I understand being competitive, but ethics and loyalty have to play a small part too, right?
I'm not going to let my unconscious takeover in right for me I am aware that this error can be fixed by means for firmwire, patches/updates and even if you CHARGE a small fee for more maps that are compatible with the wheel will ahhh, ok I guess since we are forced to use a stick to drive .....
Come on y'all this is suppose to be THE ONLY LAUNCH RACING GAME , backed perviously by, and compatible with the great LOGITECH WHEELS G25 and G27. Can we get some answers PLEASE???
aris - Anonymous12 years agoI guess the real question to all the fans and consumers is why wasn't the G 25 or any steering will compatible with this game why did EEA sports or ghost whichever one it's the same thing really now I'm just playing a game why didn't they make a steering will compatible or make sure that's in the options control was it a data issue? Chip issues
? Money issue? I'm just examining not pointing the finger it could be the possible reason why is the reason why. I am not mad or upset I'm just curious why? Hard to believe it was a budget issue. Even that doesn't make sense. Was it like give and take i.e. graphics over controls or storyline over controls? I'm just wondering, as a gamer, a TRUE gamer,WHAT WAS THE REASON?? Was it people who play NFS usually don't use wheels? No, that would just be downright wrong intention. People can only assume, and it just gets worst when more and more assumptions pour in.
Basic and direct. Simplicity. EA ghosts PS for third-party can you be basic and direct change you act at a simplicity without fear? For the respect of your enthused fans?
conscious speaks, it's still. - Anonymous12 years ago
Please don't delete or edit my posts on this thread as they are vaild input. Freedom of speech!
Steering wheel support is required for this game.
If I purchased Battlefield 4 and steering wheels were the only controller supported how would I feel?
Now you should fully understand the situation.
Please EA/Ghost/Criterion listen to your customers.
- Anonymous12 years ago
Battlefield 4 with steering wheel only. lol
I've had almost every need for speed since steering wheel controllers existed and they all support wheels on pc.
I really want to try rivals.....someday when it supports my controller. Have enjoyed evolution of the series.
How bout it EA/Ghost?
- Anonymous12 years ago
Please EA listen to your customers.
Logitech G25 G27 support on Playstation 3 required as well as other wheels across all platforms.
Best Regards.
No wheel support, this is scandalous !
OK, I've already posted my disappointment earlier and I'm amazed about the lack of response we have gotten from EA, nothing from Ghost or Criterion, it's like you're not even part of this. Both Gran Turismo 6 and Forza 5 support steering wheels. This is your obvious competition. Don't tell me you didn't know this or didn't research it while you were developing this game. Your answer that "officially it doesn't support steering wheels..........but unofficially it might work with some wheels".... that just doesn't cut it. Just admit that the release was rushed to coincide with the PS4. If I look at all the other problems gamers are having with your product you would think that you're still in Beta testing. Somebody out there should have the cohones to step up and say: Yeah guys, we screwed you, released an unfinished product, but here's a temporary work-around until we finish fixing this mess and patch the hell out of it so you can actually have fun playing the game.
I had the game running for 2 hours before I returned it and it is a good looking game. It is a mix of past games, but it seems like you took the good parts and made a really fun looking game out of it.............and then you got greedy and pushed it out of the door unfinished. I will buy the game again if you fix it. I've enjoyed the Need for Speed games and I own all of them.
So, anybody out there from EA, Ghost or Criterion that wants to do the right thing and give us some useful answers?????? Anybody.....????????
- Anonymous12 years ago
This is just bull**bleep**! Not beeing able to use my G25 or my Rumblepad 2 USB is not acceptable in my world. Its bleeping generic EA! Get a grip and fix this ASAP!
If you can't fix this in a few hours, you really need to go get a new line of work!
- Anonymous12 years ago
I'm enjoying this keyboard racing so much, I've decided to interface my keyboard and use it in my own car.
It's so awesome!!!
Thanks EA
- Anonymous12 years ago
Better yet, take all the steering wheels out of the developers cars and make them drive home with a keyboard.
That might drive the point home. hehehe
Off to play Grid 2.
Steering wheel and manual shift.
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