Okay, so I have contacted EA support via the chat function (can't believe they still charge Australians for phone calls, when everyone else gets it free).
Here is the transcript, a couple of alarming parts, but thankfully I got the desired result.
Vikash: Thanks for contacting EA Customer Experience, my name is Vikash. How may I assist you today?
you: Hi Vikash, I'm having issues with my copy of Need For Speed Rivals
Vikash: Hi
Vikash: How are you?
you: I'm good thanks, how are you?
Vikash: I am Fine. Just doing my best to assist you people.
Vikash: Please let me know your First and Last Name.
you: Glad to hear
you: *******
Vikash: Thank You. Please let me know your issue in detail.
you: I'm experiencing disruptive frame rate drops throughout the world, especially in areas such as the Harbour. These drops happen regardless of my settings.
you: I'm currently using the lowest settings at 1280x720. Despite the fact my PC is much more capable than that.
you: Being able to run Battlefield 4 at medium, should hint that I can do the same with this game, or at least play it without slows
Vikash: Thank You. Please let me check your issue.
you: Furthermore, I am not alone, there's an entire forum post for this, that has been ignored by EA, I'm almost certain you can't help with the issue, but we would like it very much if EA would at least acknowledge the issue and give us an ETA on a patch
you: http://answers.ea.com/t5/Need-for-Speed-Rivals/Performance-issue-very-bad-FPS-and-FPS-drops/m-p/1877141
Vikash: Please delete all the payment method from origin. and then uninstall the origin client manually using this link. https://help.ea.com/article/manually-uninstalling-origin and after uninstalling please re-install it again using this link . https://www.origin.com/in/download And after that add some new payment method which has the required balance.
you: Sorry? I don't see how that can help
Vikash: Please delete all the payment method from origin.
and then uninstall the origin client manually using this link.
and after uninstalling please re-install it again using this link.
And after that add some new payment method which has the required balance.
you: No sorry, I do not see how that can help. There is no outstanding balance, it's an issue with the games gameplay
Vikash: okay Mate so please go in my games in origin client.
Vikash: and then right click on game icon on which you are facing this issue .
Vikash: and let me know the option you are getting.
you: have you even read my description?
Vikash: Yes my friend.
you: really? Cos you started off believing its an outstanding balance, and then seem to have forgotten which game I'm referring too
Vikash: of course it is nfs rivals.
you: I get Play, check for update, repair install, game details, properties, remove from favourites, hide, uninstall
Vikash: please click on repair install.
you: I've already tried both the x86 and x64, have attempted a repair install with 0 errors found
you: I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling. This is an issue with the game, not my install, as many others have the same issue
you: That forum post I linked confirms that. We just want EA to acknowledge it and work on a fix
Vikash: Yeah my friend we are already working on that issue.
you: Would've been nice for you to make us aware of that, since we have been believing EA are just ignoring it. With not a single EA member commenting on that post that sits in the top 3 issues
Vikash: so i a, just asking you to follow such steps so that it get fixed if there is any temporarily issue.
you: as I've said, I have gone through those steps before, I am proactive in trying to fix things.
Vikash: okay my friend.
you: Since you have let me know that you are working on the issue, that's all I needed. Thank you
Vikash: so have you re install the origin manually.?
you: Yes. I have
info: Your chat transcript will be sent to *****@*****.com at the end of your chat session.
Vikash: okay so let me also raise this issue to my supervisor. so that they can also send email to our studio Team regarding that.
Vikash: So don't worry Dear, It will be fixed soon.
you: Thank you
Hopefully this should mean that a Patch won't be long. Or we'll at least have an EA or Ghost member comment on here