Forum Discussion
Yup I quit, I'll Try It Again When The Update Comes Out But So Far I feel Like I wasted Money On This Game.
But now i think it's time for a protest sending to EA for refunding the game
- JudyRacing3 years agoHero
hi guys, I've only been playing online races since the beginning of January because the story is finished. Ok circuits could be a few more, but no matter what time I log online, the servers are always full, I've never gotten an empty server, so not that many gamers can leave the game. And online you have to fight to win, but I can't complain about that. So just fight a little and have fun.
- 3 years ago
This game are dead!
It make no sense they bring a update or not for the online mode.
Probleme are that you can cheat everything you want! The game are so cheap programmed like a game since 1990 - 2000 and only the graphics are 2022.
they must complett rework the base code from the game to make it better, but i dont think they do it! EA are only interesset to get the money in short time all after are doesnt matter.
May only hope for this game is like BF 2042. They rework the complett base code and make the game to this it should be, but i think for NFS: Unbalanced ( joke ) Unbound it shouldnt be.
I have played 400+ Hours for optimze my cars etc. and i see only one OP car at class or cheaters inside anymore, it makes no fun and its useless to invest more time to this game.
Forza Horzion makes more fun like this crap.
- 3 years ago
@JudyRacing: i finished the Story in one Day and then played Online. I think after two days i got level 99 and after one week nearly all Cars i wanted. Also i got every collectable and what now.
There is nothing to do anymore and they are not coming with fresh content. i know play more forza horizon 5. There is way more love to detail and Drifting is very fun here 🙂
The Only Thing i miss in Forza is Nitro and Underglow.
- JudyRacing3 years agoHero@lichti2108
Online racing is there to race with other gamers and compare how you race online yourself. Whether you win or lose online races, or how many races you win or lose. That's not what online racing is made for, I think. And that's the only reason I play online. In other games, I used to only play online games to compete with other gamers. I think so. - 3 years ago
Looking forward to sharing more later this month 👀
- Mikimuster33 years agoHero+
@jenny_a_m wrote:
Looking forward to sharing more later this month 👀
I was pleased to see this news.
I am eagerly anticipating with excitement and enthusiasm.
- 3 years ago@jenny_a_m Later march o.O, the game dies and are over runned with cheater and exploiter.
Not sayed the complett unbalance of this game.
Online mode is horrible to play. - 3 years ago@jenny_a_m I don't know what you guys are doing but unlike the others i have only one single request and that's it to play this game forever, i just want the jetstream bodykit for the mx-5 miata and that's all, i don't this small request would hurt anyone 😕
- 3 years ago
Will we finally get an option to completely switch off all effects? Not everyone thinks this childish bull**** is great, especially not in their mid-30s. For thousands and thousands, this is a KO criterion and these people will not buy Unbound as long as the effects cannot be COMPLETELY switched off. —> Isn't it also in the sense of EA to respond to these people? These are all potential customers that you scare away. The fact that this option does not exist from the beginning is a farce!
- 3 years ago
I'm not kinda excited of the upcoming patch, but I'll give Criterion the benefit of the doubt if they actually fix the issues that people have mentioned in the past or add some new things like new race events on Multiplayer PvP because it's not there.
If they add a race event with Ostinato track only, that'd be dope.If they can add 8 players for the party, that'd be wonderful.
If they bring back EA Trax, that'd be splendid, even though I won't hold my breath for that one.
Hopefully they bring some minor improvements in this month or I'll be playing art of rally, NFS Heat or Hot Pursuit Remastered. xP
I hope. - 3 years ago@jenny_a_m Let it be soon, we're almost halfway march...
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