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It's 2025, why is automated cloud save ( or CLOUD SAVE PERIOD) not a thing for a game dev company as reputable as EA? Needless to say I was infuriated when I discovered this and that it is just honestly not acceptable with the amount of funding, resources, and talent that they have. It is not uncommon for all of us to run into unforeseen technical difficulties here and there or for a internet or server connection to go down. With that in mind, there should be preventative measures in place for situations like this. I am not the only one this has happened to of course and with that, EA Please do better. I WILL NOT BE STARTING OVER, I have spent too much time and money on this game to have to start fresh all because of a second nature feature that isn't standard.Flamerailzzz2 days agoRising Newcomer19Views0likes0CommentsNEED FOR SPEED UNBOUND RELAXED DIFFICULTY PROBLEM.
Hello to everyone. I tried to contact EA help at X account,but simply they ignore me for their purpose which i don't know. I have paid 90 euros at the ultimate bundle from playstation store for that **bleep** of game,and i put relaxed difficulty,they opposotion racers are blowing me like they driving a FERRARI FXX K. So,how on earth the EASY difficulty are NOT,and i mean it NOT easy.? Can anyone fix that **bleep**.? Or you telling me that i paid that bloody 90 euros for something that i already regreat.? Can your team be sooo kind and patch it.? Heat difficulty was what it supposed to be.BloodySpartan3003 days agoNew Novice69Views0likes4CommentsVehicle Extraction Issue in Lockdown mode
In the past week ive been extracting around 6 vehicles including today but none of them showed up in my garage. I’ve extracted from the lockups and not by the street. Ive lost around 6 cars which are:- La Ferrari Lambo (can’t remember) P1 GTR Koenigsegg regera P1 GTR P1 GTR (latest in the picture) Contacted EA and said they would solve the issue but there is no estimate time. But they try and compensate by adding funds in my bank account in NFS. Anybody experiencing the same issue? Im playing on PS5.HazeeqSyazmy4 days agoRising Newcomer22Views0likes3CommentsNFS Unbound PS5 Graphics Tabs Not Showing.
Hey everyone. This is my last desperate shot at figuring out what is going on. When playing this game, and The Crew Motorfest, I've noticed that textures such as shadows, trees, grass, bridges and even sometimes cars don't load in until I appear closer. I am playing on a PS5 Pro and I'm pretty sure it's not just my monitor. Off the top of my head I THINK I have had this issue on my TV but am unsure. I switched to the monitor because of eyesight problems. Anyways, I tried to change the graphics quality and I only get three options. Gamma, Motion Blur and Colorblind Mode. I do not get the 17 tabs like I've seen on YouTube to actually adjust the physical graphics of the game. I've uninstalled it and reinstalled, checked for updates, which it is up to date as well as my console. It drives me crazy because of my OCD. Like I'm legit tweaking out over this. Any help is greatly appreciated.13Views0likes0CommentsUnbound CHEATER
Need for speed unbound is full of cheaters, forced to deactivate cross play to avoid playing against PC players who have no merit in playing! They drive at more than 480, 500 kmh, this game is rubbish. They ruin the reinforced protection parts, frankly, this game is beautiful. In addition, it's impossible to report for cheating in this game, it's great! And to say that I have my ban just for painting, it's not appropriateSolvedXsRSxRMsRT6666 days agoNewcomer37Views0likes1CommentBUG REPPORT
Hello, I am Japanese, so I am using a translation AI to write this post. I apologize if there are any strange sentences. Today, while playing Lockup on the Steam version of the game, I tried to open a vault that Racer X had not marked and obtain a car. However, I was unable to interact with it and could not switch cars. The car was definitely there, and I also confirmed the "Switch Car" prompt appearing. I should have taken a screenshot, but I couldn’t do so since I was in the middle of gameplay. I believe this is a serious bug. Could you please look into it? Also… this may have been said many times before, but I feel that the unlock conditions for online cars are too strict, especially the race count and takedowns. I think many players have given up because of this. It's about time this was changed.TAWASHI_d26 days agoNewcomer21Views0likes1CommentNeed for Speed Unbound which Edition?
Hello everyone, Can someone please tell me if it is still possible to take over the Brian O Conner design of the Nissan Skyline in the standard edition or would I have to get the Ultimate Edition for it? I just want to buy this Game today and play only offline, the additional content is not necessary but I would like to have the design of the Nissan Skyline from T2TF movie for reasons of nostalgia. Thank youSolvedKutiwara-097 days agoSeasoned Newcomer44Views0likes3CommentsEND OF KAIZEN REVIEW
I thought this would be posted and shared a couple of days ago, but it never was. So I thought I would share this news. This may be old news by now, but I still wanted to share for those unaware of what's happening. The original can be seen here: Thank you for your support on NFS Unbound Hi everyone, As you might know, we’re joining our colleagues at Criterion, working on the future of Battlefield. Over the past couple of years, we’ve been getting your feedback and we’re proud to have delivered the most complete NFS experience yet. We’ve been listening, observing and making adjustments using our Kaizen philosophy to be more transparent and give you more of what you love. Thank you for being part of the Unbound journey. It’s been quite a ride! As is tradition at the end of a Volume, we love to get your thoughts and feedback on the latest additions to the game, it’s still incredibly useful for the teams at EA to learn more about what you like, didn’t like and more. We read all your comments even if we cannot reply to them all directly, and as always, thank you for taking the time to share your feedback on NFS. For one last time, let’s delve into the feedback for this volume and the year of Kaizen overall. WHAT WE HEARD There are a few important disclaimers we need to share before getting into it: 1.Since we’re at the end of live service on Unbound, we won’t be updating the game or making any more changes, but rest assured your notes and comments are being captured and will help inform the future. 2.We will only be including feedback in these reports that relates to what we’re doing in NFS Unbound. There are certain frequent community requests that are outside of the scope of this project. Know that it’s heard and that your enthusiasm is appreciated, but we won’t be addressing those requests in this review. If you’re new to the game and want a recap of the features we’re discussing below, please visit the Vol. 9: Lockdown reveal blog. TOP FEEDBACK ON LOCKDOWN As is tradition at the end of a Volume we love to get your thoughts and feedback on the latest additions to the game, it’s always incredibly useful for the teams at EA to learn more about what you like, didn’t like and more. We read all your comments even if we cannot reply to them all directly, thank you for taking the time to share your feedback on NFS. Here’s some of the top responses on Lockdown & Extraction play, which we asked you all about on Reddit, Instagram and X (Twitter). Donnie says: “As for the new cars(lockdown), I’d like to see them added to story mode. I can’t use them in online without being targeted because some players are “jealous” that I have the cars.” Testingblock says: “Can we get the bike in free roam? Would make the game so much more fun” Maati182_ says: “I loved this mode so much. Really brought me back to NFS and Unbound, which I never actually played online after completing story mode. Had a couple weeks of max fun with my pal, actually one of the best experiences I had playing this franchise I actually find the PvPvE and Extraction gameplay pretty balanced between fun and challenging. It's not always easy to get away with it, but if you learn all the tricks it does get easier. I haven't been playing lately due to few free time and problems with my pc but I'm looking forward to get back. I'd love to see some different cars in the lockdowns to extract. When you extracted all the cars you liked it becomes a little repetitive and you only play to earn money, which is great, but I find extracting cars more exciting. Would love to see a weekly ride rotation” We’re thrilled to hear that you feel Lockdown is a fun and interesting new way to play Need for Speed. The extraction gameplay and the introduction of those coveted rides added a whole new dynamic to the experience, so it makes sense that you’d want to see those vehicles crossover to other parts of the game - but as we’ve mentioned before with other modes, we weren’t able to make this happen within the time we had. We also saw many comments asking for more variety in the rewards offered through the game mode, to encourage repeat play, as well as ways to play the game mode privately or exclusively with friends - something for us to keep in mind for the future. I think the thing we take away from this the most is that you are all up for new ways to play in the NFS-verse as long as (a) it compliments the feel and tone of NFS through context, world setting and gameplay and (b) we get the core and fundamentals right first. TOP FEEDBACK FOR NEW RIDES Vol.9 introduced rideable motorbikes, a first in NFS. We also added two JDM classics from Honda and SUBARU, and a legendary machine made its epic return. Here’s some of your top responses to our questions on Reddit (twice), Instagram and X (Twitter). Zilla_9r1 said: “Love the Bikes. Would love to have my own to customize paint job and wrap. Proper speed and handling [on the bike] felt great. [On the cars], personally, I'm a JDM lover. Any tuner cars are a yes for me.” Sean_huber said: “First game to make a bike feel properly fast. More bikes please.” KRacer13 said: “I think the bike gameplay should be expanded in the future. More bikes with this type of handling, it's incredibly fun feeling you're in (somewhat) control of something so fast! But that's also the problem, it's twitchy, very twitchy, too critical due to unstable terrain. If it was a bit more predictable in that way, it'd be a lot better, at least from my point of view. I wouldn't say it "feels" like NFS, but it depends on what NFS "feels" like. Also, in my opinion the franchise needs a shakeup, it needs to feel fresh and new, and I think the bike (or bikeS, in plural) fits that role really well. But just adding them won't be enough to make them "feel like NFS". Customization, variety and their own personality are required (imo) to feel like they belong. Otherwise, they'll feel a little bit like a fun gimmick but that's it. The new cars are fine. Weird that the Most Wanted update brought JDM cars but I'm not complaining, they're nice.“ ShinbiVipes said: “Bikes are a great addition to the game, genuinely could be one of the most fun ways to play if they're actually balanced. It feels like an evolution from how the bikes worked in the Midnight Club series, high grip and high speed. It would be nice if this feeling would transfer to the actual cars too. Cars are decent, I just wish we got more "Out of left field" options like some Kei cars, older Peugeots or maybe something of the concept car variety. It doesn't all have to be iconic cars, because those will just get lost in the sea of cars you add.“ Zakon_BY said: “Bike: simply the best vehicle in Unbound in terms of handling - predictable, intuitive, smooth and really fun, hope to see this principle in the future installments for every vehicle, both 4 and 2 wheels” Overall, we saw a lot of love for the BMW S 1000 RR, players really enjoyed riding a motorbike in NFS for the first time and there was a lot of praise for its handling. We also saw plenty of feedback on wanting to have bike customisation, and a way to ride the bike outside of Lockdown - all good fodder here for us to think about new vehicle experiences, and how we build on them in the future. We also saw positivity towards the new cars, as well as the return of “Razor’s” M3 - and yeah, we know the JDMs aren’t necessarily on the nose for a Most Wanted inspired mode, but it had taken us more time than we expected to perfect these cars, so we were excited to finally introduce them to the game! REVIEWING KAIZEN Like we said at the beginning of the year - Kaizen was all about continuous improvement, and we set out to make you, our players and fans, a key part of our journey too. We heard you loud and clear: single player content that goes beyond what's in the game at launch means a heck of a lot! But we did add some much-needed, longer-term progression with Ranks and Leagues, brought back some absolute NFS classics with Drag and Improved Drift, and gave you the opportunity to play on the wrong side of the law with Cop play and Pursuit tech. Then…we took all of those learnings of old and crafted something completely new with Lockdown, our PvPvE extraction mode! Bit by bit this came together… as per Kaizen (had to get it in one more time!). Oh and of course, we threw in motorbikes for the first time in NFS history and it was great to see the return of the iconic BMW M3 GTR in-game & IRL, and even a surprise visit from Razor himself. We’ll still be playing the game, and we hope to see you cruising around Lakeshore City. Team Kaizen66Views0likes2CommentsAnyone else not able to access ngs unbound online??
Won't let me play online says something went wrongcunningham122110 days agoRising Newcomer24Views0likes1Comment- MrTJ80811 days agoSeasoned Newcomer12Views0likes0Comments
Worst cheater in Lockdown
Hello folks. I am firmforest, an avid Unbound enjoyer. I am here to share with you my encounter with what could very be the worst cheater of all time in the whole game. Yesterday, when I was playing the Lockdown mode, I was put in together with a PC player going by the in-game name [Removed - EA_Barry] Everything was going fine until this player suddenly teleported on me and began to ram me! They were clearly using a mod allowing them to use teleportation in the Lockdown mode. But it did not end there. Whenever an extraction truck would appear, [Removed - EA_Barry] would teleport to the truck and claim it, preventing me and the other players from getting it. Just so that they can keep on haunting the other players down. What's worse, when I tried to hit [Removed - EA_Barry], they did not take any damage! Clearly another mod that prevents any damage. For the whole time I was in that session, [Removed - EA_Barry] kept on teleporting on me and hitting me. Eventually, I had enough and decided to quit it out, thus sacrificing my extraction streak. I think I would stick with playing the Lockdown mode with cross-play turned off, for now. [Removed - EA_Barry] is the worst cheater of all time in NFS Unbound.Solvedfirmforest12 days agoSeasoned Novice68Views1like3CommentsUkraine localization
*snip* Why in 2024 does such a large company still not have Ukrainian localization!? I paid quite a lot of money for the game because now I couldn't fully enjoy it? I NEED UKRAINIAN LOCALIZATION in NFS UNBOUND ! (CM: Edited to remove additional language. Please only post in the language of the board.)1.7KViews13likes4CommentsBuy all the previous locked battlepass items
It's a good idea to sell previous battlepass items as now done but the main reason for me is to get all (incl. not opened) premium items not just free ones. Yep, I just missed some of the seasons in a row but still want cosmetics from it. But it impossible to get. Even buy. I can only buy free items from previous pass. It's no sence in bying just free items from previous seasons. I want the premium ones specifically. But why it's not yet possible? I can get free items just playing the game each season. And buy seasonpass for premium level rewards but the thing is - this is time forcing and telling me play even if I cannot. That is awfull. And if I was not fast enough to level up or missed season I want to be able to buy lost cosmetics. Not to losethem forever. I sugest adding packs with all items from previous packs. Cause I mainly want cosmetics from premium pass rewards. For example, Ubisoft opened time-store in Motorsport but items comes periodically. Nothing lost forever. And In R6Siedge they got marketplace for the cosmetics. Why here is it immpossible to sell us missed seasonpass premium levels exclusive items? Can this be implemented? ThanksSolvedDarthLord_Ultnet14 days agoSeasoned Vanguard31Views0likes1CommentAbandonware Games..
First of all hello, I loved NFS games since my child, all currently available NFS games are in my library, but I miss the old NFS games very much. 2005 Most Wanted, NFS Carbon, NFS Underground 1-2, I especially want to play these games again, but unfortunately I cannot play them because they are not sold today and I do not want to play them in different ways. They are not available digitally and physical versions are very, very difficult to find. When they are available, some people abuse it and charge very high prices. Is there any way I can purchase and access these games? Thanks for help..Solved323Views1like3Commentshelp
hi all do you know maybe how I can send my own music to be used by EA in NEED FOR SPEED ?Solved91Views0likes1CommentCar Tuning Sharing
I opened this topic for both beginners and those who send ridiculous emojis when they lose a race. I thought it would be useful after the 2500+ hours I've spent with the game. I'm starting with class B. The cars I chose are cars that many of you may or may not have used. I shared my own setups. Anyone who wants can try, and whoever wants can do it the way they know how. I hope there will be more from you. I will show you 6 cars, some short and some long distances. When you need speed, it is useful to have draft nitro as one of the passive items you install. Since you will come from behind, you can pass others by constantly boosting. Adjust the way the cars handle according to your needs. Of course, it's not just about making cars; using them also depends on your personal skills. To give another tip, there are tracks where sometimes high speed and sometimes acceleration are important. For this reason, it is always good to choose an engine with high torque on uphill tracks, and an engine with horsepower equal to or slightly more than torque on downhill tracks. He who knows already knows. It is not possible for a vehicle to operate properly under all conditions with a single engine. Another is that Flat engine types work very well with dual turbo. L engine types work very well with Root SC. Some Japanese cars like the Wankel 276 horsepower engine. Screw SC will be the most useful for turning corners quickly and smoothly with drift. Road tires allow you to do better micro drifting. If you do not want the car to move left and right when steering at high speed and go to ridiculous places, you should reduce the downforce setting. Additionally, you should increase the steering sensitivity as it will be difficult for the vehicle to turn when the downforce is reduced. This will ensure balance. Keep it, you will need it 🙂 ---------------------------------------------------- B CLASS 1- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap - Short-Mid track 2- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap - Short-Mid track 3- Nitrous Draft + Grip + Break tap - Long track (Acceleration is good, but it gets a little swollen in the middle revs, draft nitrous is a must, the faster version is available with 4 gears) 4- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap - Short-Mid track 5- Nitrous Draft + Grip + Break tap - Long track (Acceleration is a little slow, but once it accelerates, there is no Class B car to pass. Boost speed almost 250km/h) 6- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap - Short track (There is also a faster version of this, this is what I did. It's like a rocket on short tracks.Boost speed 225kmh) ------------------------------------------------------- A CLASS 1- Nitrous Draft + Grip + Break tap mid-long track 2-Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap short track like "Hard Eight" 3- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap short-mid track 4- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap short mid track, This car is the Racer X version, I haven't tried whether there is a difference in driving, but it drifts very well. 5- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap short track. 6- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap short mid track ---------------------------------------------- A+ Class 1- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap mid track 2- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap mid track 3- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap mid track 4- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap mid track 5- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap short track killer 🙂 like Drifter d'light. 6- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Drift off, short mid track. It's a weird car, it flies in every class, probably because it's lightweight. 7- Nitrous Near Miss + Draft, Drift off, speedway track, let ferrari chase you 🙂 ------------------------------------------------------------ S Class 1- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap mid track 2- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap mid track 3- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap short - mid track 4- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap short - mid track 5- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap mid track 6- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Break tap mid track (Best choice) 7- Nitrous Near Miss + Grip + Drift off, speedway track (Unbeatable) Boost speed 370 kmh ------------------------------------------------ S+ Class 1- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Brake tap - Fastest car but t instability problems. 2- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Brake tap - my choice 3- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Brake tap best stability 4- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Brake tap - Acceleration good but need burst for top speed 5- Nitrous Drift + Grip + Brake tap - Fast acceleration short track 6- Nitrous Drift + Grip + drift off - my favorite car --------------------------------------------------- This topic ends here 🙂 I expected other players to share, but frankly, not many people were interested. Anyway, it will surely be useful to someone.2smokeTM2 months agoRising Veteran856Views13likes34CommentsThe game is not saving the driving effects or the handling settings.
The game is not saving the driving effects or the handling settings. When restarting the game, some cars lose the driving effects setting that I had installed before. And they don't save the handling adjustment settings, I have to redo them every time I drive a car. I play on PC189Views1like1Comment