The day after I put my rant on here, CHEL starting working and has been ever since. Imagine that. Now let's see if yall can fix the travesty that is fifa23. Maybe have people who actually played futbol at least stand in and advise. There are problems everywhere. 1: No Brazilian league. This is the 2nd or 3rd year in a row without. Last time they did, they didn't have any of the teams from the largest city in the country, also the home of the league champions. Greatest futbol nation in the world and they're not in FIFA. I can't even choose to wear the men's national team kit. Ridiculous.
2. Goalie play. Simply horrible. And inaccurate. One play they'll have a miraculous save, immediately followed by giving up a goal on the near post from 3 yards out. Covering the post is easy. Goals rarely get scored on the inside when the goalie is on the post. Because the window is tiny. On a cross or corner, the goalie won't come off his line. Yes I'm holding y, yes goalie is set to come off in instructions. And why is it the 85% of the time goalie kicks go straight to the opposition? Or the ball will be well aimed but the opposing player will literally jump on my shoulders or shove me out of the way. Never a foul called. And the person receiving the pass can't move, but every defender on the field can converge before the ball gets there. Then there's the short pass directly to opposition when they refuse to pass even though you're spamming the hell out of the a button.
Bad Refs: in the demo foul calls were considerably more accurate. You couldn't jump on someone trying to receive a ball in the air. Line judges are fair at best, often so late, when the whistle blows everybody is confused.
Free kicks: are a joke. Directional controls are way too sensitive and you have no way of knowing where your kick is going. The biggest issue with foul calls is inconsistency.
Do you listen to your beta testers? Or only to the people who rely on exploits to win?
How can FIFA23 be such a disgrace to the most popular sport in the world?