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More broken gameplay I ran into playing a HUT Rivals game. Opponent kept spamming RS all game when my player didn’t have the puck. I was up 2-0 until he tied it due to lucky One-timer bounces from the middle of the ice. I tried to poke check or play the body and nothing. He just presses A button by the boards which warps the stick so it’s impossible to poke.
Get to OT and he eats me into his own zone so my AI once again chases the puck. Get to my D-zone and I have a couple seconds of puck possession in which I have no outlets near my net even when trying to player switch.
instead he slams RS again when I’m trying to get the puck. Retrieves it. My D is cherry picking with the winger. So I’m by myself and he goes for the backhand. The goalie instead of reading the play properly knowing 2 opponents are in front of him thought it was a good idea to poke check.
I lose and call it a night. My motivation to play this game is running thin with the amount of issues. AI seems to not move in OT in the D-zone. I published another video of it. Hoping it gets sent to the Devs. NHL 24 is so far away from 23 but I’m close to being done. I can only handle so much before this becomes to unbearable to play
Checking my Twitter feed daily and have witnessed so many bugs in regards to NHL 23... I unfortunately experienced some of these myself! Many are game breaking so you can't even enjoy the gameplay, in replacement of the lack of QOL content. The game doesn't add up to the price and it's causing outrage within the EA NHL community...
As someone who plays hockey IRL this game is basically a cookie cutter type compared to previous releases... The issues are problematic and increasing as time goes on. This is how companies fold! When their consumers start asking for after they played the game, and the expectations were not what it represented. It really is frustrating when you have been a longtime community member cracking top 100 leaderboards to not wanting to play at all. I would have been playing more EASHL but since NHL 19 I haven't since I frequent drop-in as clubs to hard to have everyone on at the same time when our schedules are different. 6's is bland for drop-in since the majority requested indoor arena's with jersey selection and that never changed.
There just isn't anything to enjoy about this years game. Sadly I paid a AAA price for this game, so I kind of play it due to my refund request from MS being denied.
I understand some changes were made to EA NHL staff. EA HQ really needs to put more hands on deck. It's not fair the community managers here and on Twitter are being put as punching bags basically, while this game collapses more and more it's played.
My personal opinion would be to cancel production on NHL 24. Fix NHL 23 add some " new " features to it like full seasons Juniors/AHL in BAP, more female hairstyles. and then copy the API/C++ coding from there for NHL 24 release. This will save time in the long run.
Just something needs to be done to fix NHL 23 or it's going to lower the population even when cross=play hits. A, AAA price game needs to have AAA content and gameplay... This is worth $20 at this point...
- 3 years ago
Since this post was moved into this category! It's very infuriating right now to play NHL 23... When you pay money for this game it's a little different compared to those who got it cheap or free! Stick and puck physics have been awful lately! Goalies can't save backhands nor the shot from the between the hashmarks and blueline in the middle when aimed blocker side!
Even with cross-play added, the population is low than you can barely get a drop-in game during peak times... Many have requested refunds because 23 is one of the worst yet! If I wasn't playing LG or my banana leagues I would have done the same! It feels painful to play this game and it's affecting majority of our mental health!
Why not take some time to fix these issues? The more they get ignored, the more the gameplay experience is ruined...
I'm getting to my boiling point of frustration! Game played well in the trial! It's one of the main reasons I bought the game... Now I regret this decision and I hardly play! This games more rewarding to the LT abusers compared to the ones who want a realistic hockey game! This direction is going more backwards than forwards.
Literally just want to play a working hockey game for once instead of all these issues!
It's gotten to the brink where I don't feel like I'm going to buy another EA NHL game! Would rather play the older games like NHL 20 which I have been doing! How is this fair to any of us? Truthfully NHL isn't worth the time considering the mountain of issues... It's like getting a cheeseburger without the burger in it. Disappointing and a rip off!
97% aren't happy with the game, so why not fix it? There a solutions to problems!
- Intuitive-tumult3 years agoSeasoned Veteran
Why does this game head to head have so many penalties? My record was 2-3 and my versus ranking was stolen from me.
- 3 years ago
For nearly a decade it feels like we have been in a fight to get what we want in these games! Since NHL 14 much of the regulars from OTP have given up on the franchise. I used to have over 30 friends from my former hometown he played this game everyday on both Xbox and PSN until NHL 20. The drop-in community isn't as populated as it used to be for 6's. Even with cross-play you can barely get a full game... I think we just miss having the option to select a team jersey, play in an indoor arena. It used to be so much fun to be able to use a team jersey from different leagues with our EASHL player... Most of us back then only played club when we had the time. Now with us being older we don't have the luxury to play it like we did a decade ago.
For 3 years now majority of the drop-in community has been asking for 6's to get back to it's old roots...never happened and I doubt we will ever get it back!
Now BAP same thing we have been preaching since NHL 21 for full season CHL, and AHL back! Along an injury tracker! 23 it was hardly touched other than contracts...
Franchise mode the trailer made it look interesting with full presentation for some teams, custom league addition. Sadly it was an utter disappointment...
Then we get to HUT and Rivals was changed. When we asked for something different we meant a Battle Royale Elimination, or Comp. Seasons returned Not this arcade style gong show! This is why HUT Rush is a thing!
Adding women into the game was an awesome idea IMO. Yet you can only use them in online versus, HUT and tournaments. Can't bring them to an NHL Roster unfortunately! Also there is a lack of creative options like hairstyles for created players...
All of the above ^ we have been fighting for! Bad enough Tougie and Endo had to fight for correct height, weight and overalls for Rosters...
Now the bugs! These are literally making the game unplayable!
First one that is irritating is when someone decides to pause after a goal is scored. Instead of the Face-off being at Center ice it gets put in the right side of the D-zone!
Stick and puck physics are broken! When making a pass to the wing in the O-zone it for the majority goes to the D-man... , The stick warps through the goalies body when the skater skates towards the 5-hole making it a goal 99% of the time with no goaltender interference called... , stick lift is still not working correctly! Another issue with stick physics is a bug that was once removed because Ben himself said it shouldn't have been in the game. In 23 it's back and I'm annoyed by it! It's the stick behind the back self-sauce... Example: stick goes through the puck carriers body, and then can self-sauce behind their back. You can't poke check or do anything because it's like a force field in NHL 23.
LT is way too OP this year! If you LT often, puck control should be lost!
Other bugs! The lights off issue that has been a problem for SB competitors mostly! How has this not been fixed yet?
BAP issue when simming! You get an own goal scored on and pretty much lose the game!
In Franchise mode if you injure a after a charge, you sometimes can't proceed to play the game. Opponents won't pick up the puck and you are forced to quit... I have video of this!
In OT the one Forward AI doesn't move to help you out. Instead they stand there looking at the crowd like they just started their first Tim-bits hockey game... Even player switching they still go back and do it!
Goalies still can't cover the corners properly or stay square to the net when someone shoots glove side by the hashmarks... They don't cover the puck and give up easy rebounds no matter the overall!
AI Defense after the face-off at center ice don't skate to cover the middle of the ice. Instead they skate towards the boards letting your opponent skate right in the middle. By the time you player switch you have to back check. Can't poke though or you lose speed so you're stuck just trying to out skate them to the net...
Another issue is one we are dealing with more in Rivals is that instead of you player skating, they don't into this glide skate. I have video of it happening to myself! Was almost like table hockey....
I have uploaded numerous videos to my channel and will continue... Why most of the game breaking bugs aren't being fixed is frustrating! Maybe take the servers offline for a few days and get this fixed! Who cares if people are mad they can't play online! At least the game will be playable and these toxic cesspool players wouldn't abuse the mechanics like they are now since this games basically catered to them...
$107 is a pricey cost! I didn't pay that much to have a game worth $20 at lowest! This isn't fair to any of us!
- TheUnusedCrayon3 years agoSeasoned Ace@BIGRlTCHY It blows me away they still haven't re-implemented the lobby system for drop-in's.
How is a game with cross-play less than 2 months after release dead already with majority of its users being die-hard buy the game every year type of fans???
- Justianhael3 years agoSeasoned Traveler
I started playing online in NHL 20 and drops were always full. Never had much of an issue finding a game. These days you're lucky to have a game with more than 3 people a side and they rarely finish. Game has gone downhill so fast
- TheUnusedCrayon3 years agoSeasoned Ace@NoManuelAutoonly I really wish you could have played drop-ins back when they had the lobby system. You had about 3 rooms labelled by their regions (so like "North America", "Europe", etc.) and you could create custom rooms to play in with passcodes to get into if you wanted to set up games with a group of people.
North America for sure was filled with maximum capacity (50 people) all day so there had to be a North America 2 room put in automatically which typically had like 15 people in it which was enough to have a drop in game on its own and on good times that may even fill up to 50 as well.
When you're in the rooms you could chat so lots of guys would discuss looking for clubs and setting up club teams and organizing try-outs and all that stuff. It really made the community great for finding games and people to play with. There were enough games set up in each room to eliminate the trolls from showing up and contaminating every game.
You could see how full each game was so you could easily go to the game that was near full (10/12 players or 11/12 players) and then you just joined that, wasted like 10 seconds of your life and boom you were in a game.
Now we are forced to wait for 2 minutes for a game to not even fill because the matchmaking is segregating everybody online. Lobbies were amazing.- EA_Aljo3 years ago
Community Manager
@TheUnusedCrayon wrote:
@NoManuelAutoonly I really wish you could have played drop-ins back when they had the lobby system. You had about 3 rooms labelled by their regions (so like "North America", "Europe", etc.) and you could create custom rooms to play in with passcodes to get into if you wanted to set up games with a group of people.
North America for sure was filled with maximum capacity (50 people) all day so there had to be a North America 2 room put in automatically which typically had like 15 people in it which was enough to have a drop in game on its own and on good times that may even fill up to 50 as well.
When you're in the rooms you could chat so lots of guys would discuss looking for clubs and setting up club teams and organizing try-outs and all that stuff. It really made the community great for finding games and people to play with. There were enough games set up in each room to eliminate the trolls from showing up and contaminating every game.
You could see how full each game was so you could easily go to the game that was near full (10/12 players or 11/12 players) and then you just joined that, wasted like 10 seconds of your life and boom you were in a game.
Now we are forced to wait for 2 minutes for a game to not even fill because the matchmaking is segregating everybody online. Lobbies were amazing.The chat was also full of toxicity and offensive content. That definitely wouldn't work today. You also had to deal with racing to a position. Forwards filled up first which means you often had a forward playing defense that wouldn't defend at all. In some cases, someone who had never played goalie would take that position just so they could play and it went poorly to say the least. The trolling then was just as bad as it was now, if not worse since there were no anti-griefing measures. I agree it was quicker to get in to a game, but you often didn't get the position you wanted and still had to deal with unfortunate teammates. I know it takes longer now, but you can at least play your position. Not that this completely prevents trolling of course. It happens and will most likely always happen. This goes for just about any online game.
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