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9 Replies
I restarted my franchise and made sure the main menu sliders were same. Showing sliders match and are set in both main menu and franchise menu but when I select the game to play and after jersey selection I check in the settings there and sliders always set to default. Then I can back out without starting game and sliders in franchise in franchise menu are reset to default as well.
- WigglyEwe2 years agoRising Rookie
This issue is not getting enough attention. I have had this issue since I bought the game. You create custom gameplay sliders for your franchise mode. If you sim every game then no problem, the sliders never change. If you play 1 game or quick sim through a game. Your sliders automatically change right after to the default NHL24 sliders. The only way to fix this is to literally go back into settings after every game you play to change the sliders back to your custom slider. If you love franchise and play about half the games in each season you have to make this change in settings every single time you start a new game. It is so annoying and frustrating as this should be such a small fix. It sucks this does not get enough attention either!
I found a way to work the sliders in franchise. You set them before starting a game with one of your sliders 5 points off from where you want them so say if you have your face offs at 50 set it to 45 then save when you go to start your game after selecting jerseys go to the settings before hitting play move the saved preset back and forth from your setting to a nhl24 then back to your settings and then your will be loaded once the game starts go to the sliders and move your slider that you don’t have at your setting level (the face off example) during the game move it to where you want it after the game is over in franchise menu save the game and they will be fine after that
- WigglyEwe2 years agoRising Rookie
Once you finish that game and sim to your next game. When you play that next game do the custom sliders save or revert back to default sliders again? I have noticed they always revert back to default sliders once you start a new game.
Idk about simming cus I play every game but they are saved and always loaded just fine after doing that work around. If you have questions you can message me on ps two_out_damage
- WigglyEwe2 years agoRising Rookie
Well I will definitely give it a try! I'm on Xbox!
I did do the same steps for Xbox and it worked too
- WigglyEwe2 years agoRising Rookie
And your custom sliders never revert back to the default NHL24 at all?? It's crazy the weird steps you have to do to stop this from happening. It is so frustrating I will try this tonight.
Thank you!
Again I play every game so idk about simming after getting them set
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