Forum Discussion
Why is simply letting us clear the puck not getting fixed? It's been broken since launch.
- Treatmentworke662 years agoSeasoned Ace
The community is also asking for the puck flip to return but yet still no fix
The only reason these changes are happening its because the top players and twitch streamers were complaining about ragging other wise nothing would have been done
- 2 years ago@dafff79e50b23c53 I don't think there is anything wrong with clearing the puck. I like that it's just a quick chip off the glass by default. You can still dump it farther by holding RB/R1.
- RatedxPGxEnigma2 years agoSeasoned Ace
Cause they don't see it as a problem— they want it implemented that way. I used to dump all the time in prior games, now I just hold Rt and UP since it's way more effective
- KidShowtime18672 years agoHero
@RatedxPGxEnigma wrote:now I just hold Rt and UP since it's way more effective
shhh.. don't tell this to people. They think it's "too complicated".
- Beauts902 years agoSeasoned Ace
@KidShowtime1867 wrote:
@RatedxPGxEnigma wrote:now I just hold Rt and UP since it's way more effective
shhh.. don't tell this to people. They think it's "too complicated".
If you are referring to this comment, never did I say “too complicated”, I said “more complicated.”
@Beauts90 wrote:And this is your solution that prompted my response, so you tell me what's MORE complicated, flipping the puck down the ice or using any of the suggestions you had listed as "enticing dynamic gameplay?"
@KidShowtime1867 wrote:Therefore, one can only assume the developers intend for you to utilize the other aforementioned tactics (sauce, puck movement, proper support, etc) before resorting to the dump puck.
- razor2rosary2 years agoNew Vanguard
Honestly, I don't think the dump feature needs a change. I think players need to have a lower likelihood of jumping obscene heights (and sometimes into walls) to intercept these clears.
The dump height could maybe be boosted a bit, but honestly, the physics of this dump mechanic are much better than the old one.
@dafff79e50b23c53 wrote:Why is simply letting us clear the puck not getting fixed? It's been broken since launch.
- Hanseniza2 years agoRising Adventurer
Seriously someone likes this new dump system? Im not going to believe that…
In real life just quick wristshot and puck is flying to the opponent dzone in seconds but in this fantastic NHL game you first hold 5 seconds one button and then press another button (shoot/dump) and what is the result?
Puck is flying maybe 5 meters. Please…
This need to be changed back to normal asap!
- KidShowtime18672 years agoHero
@Hanseniza wrote:Seriously someone likes this new dump system? Im not going to believe that…
In real life just quick wristshot and puck is flying to the opponent dzone in seconds but in this fantastic NHL game you first hold 5 seconds one button and then press another button (shoot/dump) and what is the result?
Puck is flying maybe 5 meters. Please…
This need to be changed back to normal asap!
hold RT and flick UP on RS. Easy peasy.
- KidShowtime18672 years agoHero
@razor2rosary wrote:Honestly, I don't think the dump feature needs a change. I think players need to have a lower likelihood of jumping obscene heights (and sometimes into walls) to intercept these clears.
The dump height could maybe be boosted a bit, but honestly, the physics of this dump mechanic are much better than the old one.
@dafff79e50b23c53 wrote:Why is simply letting us clear the puck not getting fixed? It's been broken since launch.
Being able to chip off the glass is awesome. I see a lot of people trying to chip off the glass from 20 feet out. This is where you see the high lob that falls flat once it hits the glass.
If you're within 5-10 feet of the board and use a flip dump, it chips off the glass with much more velocity. But again, the average player is not a fan of being more responsible with the mechanics to make them work as intended. They just want the mechanic to do what they want it to do regardless of what the player they're controlling is currently doing.
Again, in tight situations where chipping off the glass isn't ideal, RT + Shoot. Maybe a little too complicated for some, but welcome to the skill gap.
- GeeHostMax2 years agoRising Rookie@dafff79e50b23c53 Unless some big streamers complain they dont fix anything, look what theyve done with the pressure meter. which i actually dont mind.
- KidShowtime18672 years agoHero
@dafff79e50b23c53 wrote:Why is simply letting us clear the puck not getting fixed? It's been broken since launch.
Chipping the puck off the glass to relieve pressure is a skill that requires positional responsibility in order to execute properly. As the developers have already implied; The flip dump is not a 'get-out-of-jail-free' card. Meaning, you can't just press R1+RS the instant you obtain a puck and expect it to eliminate the full pressure. You need to get yourself into a position in order to use the dump effectively. If you can't, there are other options to quickly move a puck in an attempt to get out of the zone: power-sauce, R2 + Shoot, Shoot, Hard pass.
Below are some in-game examples, followed by practice mode examples to demonstrate the major difference subtle positional changes have on chipping pucks off the glass.
Yes, opponent is diving at me in the D-Zone which is indicative of a lower-skilled player, however, this opponent's CR turned out to be 899 (roughly top 100 player in OVP). I believe the diving was a message to imply he was annoyed I was dumping it every chance I got.
Went out of my way to use the dump puck feature, so these scenarios may have warranted a pass rather than a dump, but I wanted to show that you can utilize the dump effectively in-game if you learn to master it.
Here's a slow dump from trying to chip it off the glass from too far away (at the faceoff dot - puck lands right outside the blue line):
Here's a dump from a little closer (between the dot and hash marks - puck lands between blue and red line):
Finally, what I believe is the perfect spot - close against the boards to get the best angle for speed and distance (puck lands almost at the referees crease):
- Beauts902 years agoSeasoned Ace
Imagine they remove wrist shots from the game and I made videos that show me scoring with slap shots to show wrist shots aren’t needed. It’s great that you showed an alternative, but this doesn’t come close to helping with the request for flip dumps.
Flip dumps are hockey plays that are not only extremely common, but very easy to pull off. All that many of us are requesting is that said hockey plays be in the game instead of playing some arcade fantasy game that the “developers implied.”
- KidShowtime18672 years agoHero
@Beauts90 wrote:Imagine they remove wrist shots from the game and I made videos that show me scoring with slap shots to show wrist shots aren’t needed. It’s great that you showed an alternative, but this doesn’t come close to helping with the request for flip dumps.
Your complaint is about flipping the puck high and out. I'm responding to claims that clearing the puck, primarily off the glass, is "broken".
@Beauts90 wrote:Flip dumps are hockey plays that are not only extremely common, but very easy to pull off. All that many of us are requesting is that said hockey plays be in the game instead of playing some arcade fantasy game that the “developers implied.”
I don't think anyone here is disputing that flipping the puck high and out is a hockey play. I'm showcasing the alternatives in place.
- thebrazenhead7512 months agoSeasoned Adventurer
Now show a video of being able to do a high flip dump on your back hand after your C wins the face off to you as a Dman in an EASHL 6’s game.
It was very possible in previous years and a set play many used to clear the zone and also to spring your winger for a breakaway. It has obviously been nerfed to help with their “pressure” system.
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