@RicochetII wrote:
Like I said, I will see how it plays out, but you don't always need to use a big hit to take someone down and there's still the question of hip checks.
Either way it's legalizing interference too far from the net.
IMO, a hip check is considered a 'big check'. A shoulder check is a 'big check' and a shove is a shove. You cannot knock someone down with just a shove.
That being said, I do believe if your player has sufficient speed/momentum, you can knock someone down in coordination with a shove - so it will be interesting to see how these changes take that into account.
Aside from the potential of speed/momentum not being considered in the new settings, I don't believe this is "legalizing interference". This is actually giving defenders another tool in their belt to help defend against constant cross-creases from one dimensional players. It also gives defenders a tool in helping mitigate deflection hunters.
In addition to those tools being added for defenders, this will force those on offense to time their cross-creases better so as not to be hampered by a defender shoving the recipient.
More tools on defense, more responsibility on offense. We'll see how it all plays out, but these are things the community has been clamouring for.