Forum Discussion
Been saying it for can't put in $ effort and expect to produce a $$$$ game, even though they charge $$$$ every year.
This isn't a "new game"'s not a sequel, never has been. It's a roster update with a little sizzle meant to seduce people into another sub-standard version of the game.
Not to mention the fact they're just adding things back in and acting like these are new things. Checking players into the bench? Used to have it. Breaking the glass? Used to have it.
They followed the same blueprint and timeline as all other releases. A quick video showing the new moves in game, but purposefully ignoring pretty much everything else. Next are up the individual "deep dives" and you'll see all of the same things all over again.
No changes to franchise or Be a Pro mode...and this is supposed to be a $60+ game? There hasn't been a version of this game worth $60 in years.
This year's game is most definitely not a roster update. There's been a high amount of changes based on community feedback. I definitely get that it's not for everyone, but to say it's only a roster update just isn't accurate. There are a heavy amount of changes and so far, there's a lot of positive feedback.
We haven't had broken glass and hitting over the boards for the better part of a decade. I don't like how it sounds as if we're calling them new, but to a lot of people, they are. These are also 2 things the community has been asking to have brought back for many years now so hopefully, that is the important part rather than how it was introduced.
- Beauts902 years agoSeasoned Ace
There’s little doubt that there are a lot of gameplay changes, which I personally think are better suited offline than online.
However, for many offline players, myself included, gameplay is only half of the game. Some barely even play the games so it barely matters at all. Although not confirmed, by the sounds of it it does in fact seem like the only changes to the offline “modes” outside of gameplay will be a roster update.- kyl_352 years agoSeasoned Ace
@Beauts90 wrote:There’s little doubt that there are a lot of gameplay changes, which I personally think are better suited offline than online.
However, for many offline players, myself included, gameplay is only half of the game. Some barely even play the games so it barely matters at all. Although not confirmed, by the sounds of it it does in fact seem like the only changes to the offline “modes” outside of gameplay will be a roster update.Adding to that, if the game play changes don’t mean the opposition AI shoots more, then my main gripe isn’t even satisfied.
On the rare occasion I do play a game in franchise mode, I’m only playing the third period after simming the first two if it’s a close game and my goalie has already faced 20+ shots.
I can’t believe anyone at EA plays Franchise Mode for maybe more than a season or two and it’s just such a bummer because it seems like they don’t have the slightest clue about the problems with the mode. And even when we explain it to them they still don’t seem to understand the impact the issues have on actually enjoying the game.
If they do have someone working there who plays FM as religiously as several of us they’re either wildly unpopular and ignored or the quietest person on earth.
- 2 years ago
Removing the hybrid control to force many offline gamers to learn a new control system is the same as you would force all online gamers to play in broadcast mode.
- 2 years ago
NHL 24 sucks, plain and simple. I just bought it, loaded it and found out they don't allow the hybrid button usage anymore and you MUST use the sticks to shoot and pass. Good call EA. After an hr or so of trying to figure it out and also enjoy the game was frustrating enough for me to delete it and take it back. You won't even allow me the option to use the old buttons I prefer - I won't buy any of your products.
- 20Portugal042 years agoNew Veteran@garyleese Hello, hybrid controls were announced to be returning at the end of the month of October in many other posts.
- 2 years ago
Have you read the messages from disgruntled player's at all? It's clear you're here to defend your employer, NHL 23 was a roster update NHL 24 is going to be another roster update with some minor bells and whistles added to entice people to buy this year's roster update. Read the room, long time player's are upset with the changes and have made it clear. Listen to what they're saying, acknowledge the frustration give us hope you're listening and speaking on our behalf. Defending your employer and minimizing our collective voice is disheartening.
- Manster54White2 years agoNew Veteran
I know it is probably too late, but can you do something about the ridiculous rating system in this game?
I have a team that has B- forwards according to my draft board.
When I start a game it says my offense is 97 even though my HIGHEST RATED PLAYER is 88 Overall.
Worse still are the player ratings. How does a player with an average of +80 on attributes get an OVERALL rating of 75?
No matter how I try I can't make sense of this.
Please tell us how these ratings are arrived at.
- Manster54White2 years agoNew Veteran
Please fix, or at least explain the ratings system in this game.
They make no sense whatsoever.
The highest rated player in my franchise is an 88 Overall yet when I start a game it says my offense is rated at 95.
Even dumber is the draft board telling me I have B- forwards while when the game starts it says I have a 95 offense.
Player ratings also make no sense, I have players who average over 80 on their attributes, but they are rated 75 or less overall.
In franchise mode defensemen development is almost non existent. I finally traded my "elite" defensemen after two years of no growth even though they are young. By age 25 my "elite defensemen drafted in year one had gotten to 78 overall and 79 overall
I have stopped drafting defense entirely and get them in FA because defensemen development is a joke
By year 7 of franchise play "top 4" defensemen are 81 and above.
League wide scoring goes down but goalies don't get better.
- Manster54White2 years agoNew Veteran
Does performance have anything to do with development?
From my experience it is all just random. How else do you explain a 33 year old with mediocre stats improving while a 22 year old with good stats doesn't improve AT ALL
- CLX902 years agoSeasoned Hotshot
First thing i like to say is BIG THANK YOU to EA for listening all of us who wanted and needed the hybrid controls because it is very very BIG THING for lots of people as you saw because it saved mine and many others virtual hockey career!! 😊😊👍
And second thing what i would like say is about full presentation... I believe that it could be done like this and it would make both online and offline players happy...
Make condenced for ONLINE ONLY and bring back option for OFFLINE players so there is the choise to use wich one you like more because i think that ONLINE players want their games go faster so there isn't time to wait when someone likes to watch all the replays and that is why FULL has taken away... Maybe i am right or maybe i am wrong but what i remember when i was playing online vs games... It was annoying when your opponent watched every possible replay for everything that happened in the game...
For OFFLINE players it is not the same thing because they would have the option to skip or watch ALL the replays if they want and when i played offline games i watched the replay if i wanted and when i "played" CPU vs CPU games i wanted to watch every replay because i liked to get my CPU vs CPU games to be like i was watching real hockey game where you of course cannot skip anything even sometimes you would like to...
So CONDENCED for ONLINE ONLY and OPTION for OFFLINE to choose FULL or CONDENCED presentation. That is my opinion and there is also solution for both communities...
- Manster54White2 years agoNew Veteran
The AHL in this game is a freaking joke. It is nearly pointless. Players aren't good enough to be in the NHL until they are overall 80 or above. When you sentence a player to the AHL they develop to 77 or 78 if you are lucky and then stop. Unless the are elite or "top" player in their 1st year you might as well leave them in the minors or bench them.
PS my whole AHL team is loaded with Elite or "top" talent at this point. We win 75% of our games AND NO ONE IMPROVES by more than a point or two per season. As I said, the AHL is a waste of time and so is scouting. might as well wait till their rookie contracts expire and then pick them up in FA
Please fix this so a move to the AHL isn't a career stopper
- Manster54White2 years agoNew Veteran
How does this rate as a 75 overall player?Is fighting or taking faceoffs that important?
- 2 years ago
so......tell a LITTLE BIT about be a pro and franchise...lets hear it.
- improver0072 years agoRising Traveler
Ok. We can do wait if nhl 25 will be better about 10%. Save money for next next gen nhl videogame. I am sure nhl 25 will include on/off/semi/auto button for "super power" circle on the ice 🙂
- CHILL21GENLEE2 years agoSeasoned Adventurer
List them..the ones that were SPECIFICALLY related to user feedback that is, not fluff and flash.
I spent hours sending vids and explaining all the broken legacy stuff last year...not only was none of it stuff is now broken too.
Not trying to debbie downer, but the assertion that the user base is being listened to and changes are resulting, meaningful changes, rings quite false to me. Guessing it does to my fellow players as well.
- MasterB892 years agoSeasoned Ace@EA_Aljo That cant be used as a positive as you stated it was removed just to be re-added. Plus it was promoted as a selling point for this game. Why is that if it's just a re-add? I said this last year... bringing new content back is not a positive it's more negative cause it never should be removed in the first place. Innovation is based on making an existing product better not worse and then slowly adding it back and say it's better. This game could be amazing if it didn't get stripped of features every year and just built on the existing framework.
- 2 years ago
@MasterB89 wrote:
@EA_AljoThat cant be used as a positive as you stated it was removed just to be re-added. Plus it was promoted as a selling point for this game. Why is that if it's just a re-add? I said this last year... bringing new content back is not a positive it's more negative cause it never should be removed in the first place. Innovation is based on making an existing product better not worse and then slowly adding it back and say it's better. This game could be amazing if it didn't get stripped of features every year and just built on the existing framework.It’s a fraud is what it is. It’s pathetic, if I didn’t love hockey so much, I wouldn’t buy this crap. And then EA’s moderators get on these forums and complain about we, the customer base, being negative about the game. It’s called, we know when we are getting hosed and fleeced of our money. Again, like I said on another reply, we need some competition for hockey gaming.
- 2 years ago@maddawgnp It’s a fraud is what it is. It’s pathetic, if I didn’t love hockey so much, I wouldn’t buy this crap. And then EA’s moderators get on these forums and complain about we, the customer base, being negative about the game.
And I do not buy this crap exactly why I love hockey so much. Enough ist enough. Other games deserve more attention this year.
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