Forum Discussion
They need to turn this off.. give us the choices
- 2 years ago
I think they need to remove that entire system for another year, its not fine tuned enough. At the very least we need to be able to turn both the pressure meter off AND FOR GODSAKES AND THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY GIVE US A WAY TO SHUT CARRLYN BATHE OFF
- kyl_352 years agoSeasoned Ace
@knightlife1310 wrote:I think they need to remove that entire system for another year, its not fine tuned enough. At the very least we need to be able to turn both the pressure meter off AND FOR GODSAKES AND THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY GIVE US A WAY TO SHUT CARRLYN BATHE OFF
Lol is she still in the game? First thing I do when I get a new game is turn off all commentary, but with the amount of complaints I read about her I thought for sure they would have tweaked that.
- 2 years ago
@EA_Aljo wrote:Her commentary is significantly reduced. I barely even notice her myself. You hear her when entering WoC, but I don't recall hearing her after that, but I may just not be noticing.
And from the moment she was introduced into the game people hated it and wanted an option to turn it off. Three years later not only is she STILL in the game, but still not option to to her off? Lol just why?
- Margera092 years agoRising Veteran
No offense towards her but, oh man, please, just create a turn-off button. 😃
- 2 years agoI can still hear her voice in my head.
The least she could do is to pay me some rent for living in my head for such a long time... - 2 years ago
@Sega82mega wrote:
I can still hear her voice in my head.
The least she could do is to pay me some rent for living in my head for such a long time...LMAO ! Pay you some rent 😂 That’s funny Sega 😉
- 2 years ago
- KidShowtime18672 years agoHero
@BellisJ01 wrote:
@EA_Aljo wrote:Her commentary is significantly reduced. I barely even notice her myself. You hear her when entering WoC, but I don't recall hearing her after that, but I may just not be noticing.
And from the moment she was introduced into the game people hated it and wanted an option to turn it off. Three years later not only is she STILL in the game, but still not option to to her off? Lol just why?
Man this bugs me so much and it bugs me that it bugs me so much.
There are options for every piece of audio in this game, EXCEPT HER.
Remember when there was a 'DJ' who would constantly bump music and say stuff a few years ago during drop-ins? He had an option to be turned off too.
But for some strange reason (that likely involves a deal made with her agent) - Carlan Bathe simply cannot be turned off. It drives me up the wall that we're forced to hear her yelling every single time we load into this mode.
I get it - EA is trying to get this dumb Forza Horizon festival type atmosphere - but it's forced, oddly placed and just doesn't make any sense at all.
- 2 years ago
Might have a PR deal with EA... 🙄(as you imply)
- Beauts902 years agoSeasoned Ace
I’m pretty sure she is involved in most of the events related to the game, so her contract must involve more than just providing her voice to the game. That might be part of the reason she has different rules.
- bg0vzeyqov1y2 years agoNew Veteran
The main issue with her dialogue for me is her explaining zone/ superstar abilities....the same ability described to you every game. Is this still a thing? (Still on NHL22)
It takes away any immersion these games have and that's not much to begin with, she's basically saying -
"He used his mystic badge that granted him the ability to pass that puck better, WOW." It's just the dumbest thing to add to any sports game. Pretty sure advertising the X-factors as much as possible was the main focus over immersion.Also the pressure meter should without a doubt be togglable, that's just horrible game design if there's going to be no option to turn it off
- NicCrosby872 years agoNew Veteran
I didn’t get access to Playtest and the question hasn’t been answered yet!
Any confirmation if we can switch it off (Pressure design on ice) just like X-Factor icon on players in the display options.
Please and thank you - coolspot7772 years agoSeasoned Hotshot@NicCrosby87
Me and many is wondering this to because i think this is to much to get used to.This interfer to much visual it is not realistic hockey anymore so please let us at least have the option to turn it off. - CLX902 years agoSeasoned Hotshot
@coolspot777 wrote:
Me and many is wondering this to because i think this is to much to get used to.This interfer to much visual it is not realistic hockey anymore so please let us at least have the option to turn it off.Yeah that meter must have on/off option because what i've seen... It is really disturbing and i know that i will never get used to that because things like that... They just don't belong there when you play or maybe in some super arcade online game mode but when it comes to offline game modes where i am looking for realism... Things like that should be very far away and i think it's time to separate the online world completely from offline and start to make offline game modes more realistic way.
Of course there maybe isn't possibility to totally separate these two different worlds from each other but if that meter thing is made more for online players... Then there should be option for offline players to take things like that away from the screen.
And this meter thing reminds me what i've said at other thread when i was talking about difference between condenced and full presentation... Condenced was made more for online players and the option to choose between full or condenced was for offline players and i really don't know why that option had to take away...
Hoping that some day that option will come back because i did enjoy my CPU vs CPU games much more with full presentation because it made the game much more closer what we see on TV...
- Tigidooh2 years agoRising Ace
I don't think it matter offline or online. It just doesnt look good to have a huge timer/pressure system in the middle of the zone stamped on the ice whether you are online or not.
They could have easily and simply add a thin growing bar by our energy bar or by the scoreboard. Something minimalist instead of something like this. - bg0vzeyqov1y2 years agoNew Veteran
Both the giant pressure meter and the boards turning bright red and reading FULL PRESSURE have to be toggleable.
It's ugly, pointless, distracting, immersion breaking, and just a horrible design choice to force onto everyone, let us get rid of all of it. - nhluser2 years agoSeasoned Veteran
EA ALJO can we please get an answer now on this subject?
Are the players forced to play with the pressure meter icon on the ice?or is it going to be an option to turn this meter off?
I se After the deep dive video on YT there are many fans that have the same question.Thanks for your service.
- Margera092 years agoRising Veteran
I also would like to know if the commercials on the boards are staying like this with just one brand, like "Sherwood" and then "Full Pressure"? That would be kinda annoying though, imo.
- CLX902 years agoSeasoned Hotshot
@Tigidooh wrote:@CLX90
I don't think it matter offline or online. It just doesnt look good to have a huge timer/pressure system in the middle of the zone stamped on the ice whether you are online or not.
They could have easily and simply add a thin growing bar by our energy bar or by the scoreboard. Something minimalist instead of something like this.Well... This is EA what we are talking about here and EA said that they barely haven't touched to offline this year so i believe these kind of things are made mostly for true arcade online players...
You never know and maybe i am completely wrong about this but it wouldn't be first time in my life 😂😂
But one thing is 100% sure... We need to have option to take these kind of things away from the screen because those are really bothering... Really hoping that someone could come here and say that is there on/off option for that. 😬🤞
- 2 years ago
The easy answer would be If it was an option to choose yes or no, EA (Aljo) would have told us right away.
And not wait 7 pages in before letting us know.
So im guessing we for the moment are stuck with this 'error' but im thinking EA are investigating the possibility to change this.
I dont think they believed the reaction would be so big on this one.
But im glad I share this concern with many more.And I dont even know yet if I am going to buy the game... But I still do care about the game, cant help it! 😁❤️
- Margera092 years agoRising Veteran
And if we're lucky (again) they will do something about this, as they did with the Hybrid Control, fingers crossed!
Because they proved it, they can actually listen to us 🙂
- 2 years ago
Yeah EA dosent know what they did by listening to us, they created a monster, we will never take no for an answer again!
😄👹 - Margera092 years agoRising Veteran
Exactly! They've opened the box of the pandora. For us it's a good thing and for them, well, probably not so good as they have more work then 😃
- 2 years ago
@Sega82mega wrote:@Margera09
Yeah EA dosent know what they did by listening to us, they created a monster, we will never take no for an answer again!
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