Forum Discussion
170 Replies
- CLX902 years agoSeasoned Hotshot
Why do i have this strange feeling that you cannot enable that meter off... Maybe it's because EA did take us the choise to choose between full or condenced presentation so there was no choise anymore to do anything than you didn't see replays or anything else that matters... Unfortunately i believe that there isn't possibility to put that meter on or off so they just force everyone who buys this game to watch that meter like they forced everyone for condenced presentation wich was an huge mistake by EA...
- coolspot7772 years agoSeasoned Hotshot
I have this feeling to that we are forced to play with the meter on the ice EVERY SINGLE GAMEAnd it is not the for the good the direction the game is going.They take away presentation (to short intros no replays etc) which is very important for the realism of the game and they put things on the ice graphics such as pressure meters and what is next?The developers must ask themselves are we create the best and realistic product of the NHL brand or is it more like a NHL arcade fantasy game before it is going to far.Then a another company can take over the NHL license and EA can do what ever they want to do.
- nhluser2 years agoSeasoned Veteran
SOO is their any way to turn this pressure meter off??how was it in the playtest?
Watermarks and pressure meter, both in the middle of the screen.
How could you give the playtest a fair chance.
I hope EA think this through again, if we for the moment aint able to turn this meter off.. It seem to be a pretty popular opinion around the 'hockey community' when you read other people's opinion about the subject.
Could it really be so difficult 'to just' change the place of this meter before the release..? Dosent sound like that, but what do I know.- nhluser2 years agoSeasoned Veteran@Sega82mega
Ok just hope for the best that we at least can have options with the pressure meter this is the wrong way to go to force players to have things on the ice.What do you mean with watermarks?Thanks @nhluser
Good old Follisimo said watermarks are made to exist so they can catch people who leak the footage they shouldn't.
It's a 'logo/symbol' on the screen for all thoose that take part in the playtest.
But 'Watermarks' is only for the playtest.
Im afraid thats not the case for the pressure bar.Might be stuck with that permanent. 🤮
- coolestgameon2 years agoSeasoned Scout@Sega82mega Pls
- coolestgameon2 years agoSeasoned Scout
They need to turn this off.. give us the choices
I think they need to remove that entire system for another year, its not fine tuned enough. At the very least we need to be able to turn both the pressure meter off AND FOR GODSAKES AND THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY GIVE US A WAY TO SHUT CARRLYN BATHE OFF
- kyl_352 years agoSeasoned Ace
@knightlife1310 wrote:I think they need to remove that entire system for another year, its not fine tuned enough. At the very least we need to be able to turn both the pressure meter off AND FOR GODSAKES AND THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY GIVE US A WAY TO SHUT CARRLYN BATHE OFF
Lol is she still in the game? First thing I do when I get a new game is turn off all commentary, but with the amount of complaints I read about her I thought for sure they would have tweaked that.
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