When does this Ice-Q become a thing in the game because every game i have played so far has resulted in my computer defender being as much use as Helen Keller at a rave. The a.i on the computer this year is absolutely woeful, last year was bad but lordy lordy you've really outdone yourself with this.
One poke check and then no hustle resulting in breakaway after breakaway.
And speaking of breakaways, what's going on with the speed of players? I'm 95 speed and players double my size are taking the puck down the ice like they have a rocket up their sphincter with absolutely ZERO reduction in speed. Remember that last year? Remember how players with the puck were slower because of "realism"
What happened to be a pro?
Is that the stepchild we lock in the cellar and never speak about because that hasn't changed in years, even the cutscenes are identical.
It's been out 5 hours and I'm already sick of it, sick of the fact that the nearest server to the UK is on the moon and the ping is 100ms in every game. I'm sick of the promises you make about fixing the player a.i, sick of hitting being useless, hip checks are pointless and all people do is rag the puck around for minutes and minutes at a time looking for that open overpowered one timer.
You should be ashamed of yourselves, but then you're only bothered about the money you make from packs.