11 months ago
NHL 25 for PC
How can someone make a request to EA to put the NHL franchise on PC (ie. NHL 25)? Does anyone know where or how to make contact with them?
As you pointed out, I don't think hacking is so much the issue as that hasn't been a problem with FC and Madden.
Unfortunately, I don't have details on the research that has gone into bringing NHL to PC. That's just not something I'm involved in. However, you can be sure that if it were going to be worth the cost and resources needed to make it happen, it would be done. There is so much required that people don't realize. I've detailed that in the past as well. Hopefully, we'll see a PC release at some point though.
Every year the same thing: "If the cost would be profitable", "Porting it to PC is so hard", "So much cheating on PC", "Blah Blah Blah". EA would make so much money porting EA NHL to PC after 15+ years that it would be ground breaking. Also, the last EA NHL I bought was EA NHL 14 for XBox 360. Yes I still play it and I play it on PC monitor because its the only way I can play EA NHL on my PC monitor.
If a PC version was going to be as successful as people think, it would have been done by now.
What are the roadblocks?
What qualifications do EA need to consider PC ports for their sports games?
That's not something I'm directly involved in so I could only speculate. I'm sure it has to do with the overall size of the playerbase versus the cost of bringing the game to PC as well as supporting it. This is a significantly higher cost than everyone realizes.