11 months ago
NHL 25 for PC
How can someone make a request to EA to put the NHL franchise on PC (ie. NHL 25)? Does anyone know where or how to make contact with them?
I'll pass on the feedback, but I doubt that will happen. As I have said many times now, we know there is interest in a PC version. You're welcome to start a petition somewhere if you like and see how many sign it.
It sort of amazes me and is disheartening that company of the size of EA isn't willing to take a calculated risk on this. If it doesn't do well? Okay, sure, discontinue the project.
The indie hockey games, continued love for 2004 and the project 2K Hockey Simulator and still "not viable." Also a lot of people don't take part in these forums (or any forums for that matter), social media and the likes.
I guess it's off to wait until 2KHS is ready.