Forum Discussion
I feel like the user goalie could be fixed. I hate how you’re basically attached to a string in the net and it messes with positioning and making saves in general. Just get rid of that feature idk why it was put in the game.
CPUs are wayyyyyy to good this year even on lower difficulty’s. Goalies are outrageously good for some reason. Also when I’m playing offline against superstar difficulty cpus, their team is making sick plays but my cpus on my team are always out of position and don’t make any effort to play defense or go get the puck. If I’m playing at a high level difficulty I’d expect all cpus to play at superstar level. Not just the other team. I’m currently trying to get X factor moments done and I’m playing at pro difficulty but I can’t get the puck at all and the goalie is making the best saves I’ve ever seen a goalie make ever in existence. Player cpus on my team are constantly getting penalties away from the play, and idk how this is a feature in the game but I can’t put the stick in 2 hands for them ti cross check someone. Idk why they do it when I can’t physically press a button or trigger for them to do that. All I wanna do is make a simple push check to get them off the puck not oh I wanna cross check him and gets penalty and get scored on instantly.
I feel like I’d rather see things already put in previous games in this game but just making them all around better than keep adding new things that are glitchy and need patched all the time.
This is all regarding 6v6 EASHL - I don't play or care about other modes
- Pressure system still needs tuning. It's too punishing. Shouldn't take a hit to everything (passing, shooting, pickups) and also not be able to recover stamina if standing still.
- LT + shoot still goes for a hit in the offensive zone
- Still can hear OTHER player's (even other team's players) passing activation
- Still can see other teammate's passing controls
- Probably shouldn't be able to see other team's fatigue meters
- WAY too much RNG/Too many bounces - you can basically straight line into a crowd and the puck can trickle through 4 players and the goalie without anyone ever having control. This is basically the biggest issue with the gameplay right now. There are way too many trickling, bouncing pucks that just roll around. I get you're aiming for some kind of twisted version of realism, but it makes for a terrible gameplay experience.
- Interceptions in general are very strange. Force passing with the passing buttons is now very effective even through well-positioned defense.
- Dumps are still hilarious and useless combined with the fact that players are now able to catch 100mph slapshots out of zone from 10 feet away.
- Stick handling / deking doesn't work while holding hustle at all - not sure if this is intended for some reason or just broken
- Tons of crashes applying XP tokens
- Menus are still very slow
At least we got a store now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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