Forum Discussion
162 Replies
why lock the other thread we were using to show support for a pc release? is it because you dont want it to be known there is alot of traction from the community for a pc release? it kinda saddens me to see the real lack of care from ea mod team.
- @EA_Aljo where are you and your team coming up with the information you use to determine if there are enough people to warrant a pc release? it obviously isnt the ea forums as if it was you wouldnt lock ever post about a pc release. is it the total active steam users? cant be that as there are over 130m. is it other hockey game sales on pc? well there arent any being made by big developers just a couple indie companies. one of which, latest i might add has done pretty well. so please explain to use as adults why we cant get it not just say what is essentially your opinion. that way we can figure out a way to make it work for you.
- @TasteofChicago91 why would someone buy a console just to play nhl? that makes no sense to me.
quoted from this thread by an ea mod. this forum sucks balls by the way, why cant i just click reply and it does this part for me.
"Golf is a huge sport played worldwide. I imagine it also attracts a bit of an older crowd that doesn't necessarily own a game console.
American football, while possibly not as global as hockey, has an insane following in the US. The Super Bowl is practically a holiday.
Regardless of these, when looking at the overall market for interest in a PC version of a sim-style hockey game, if that interest was there, chances are excellent we'd see this and invest in it. I get that you all think because we're EA we can do this. Sure, I imagine we can make that happen, but is it really the best investment when it comes at a loss? You all like to tell us how money focused we are. If we weren't going to take a loss, don't you think we'd have a PC version? If the PC hockey market were as robust as everyone here is theorizing, wouldn't another company be doing it? EA isn't the only developer capable of making a sim-style PC hockey game. Why is nobody else doing this? Most likely because developing an authentic hockey game isn't as easy as everyone thinks."end quote from some ea mod that doesnt really care about the community growth.
here is why there is noone else making it.
As of April 2021, Electronic Arts' largest acquisition is the purchase of Glu Mobile, for $2.4 billion. Of the 39 companies acquired by EA, 20 are based in the U.S., five in the United Kingdom, six in Continental Europe, and eight elsewhere. The majority of these companies and studios are now defunct, with some having been merged into other entities. Of the six companies which EA purchased a stake in, two remaining companies are based in the U.S., while three other U.S. companies are defunct. After acquiring a 19.9% stake in France-based Ubisoft in 2004, EA sold a remaining 14.8% stake in it in 2010.[10][11]
Each acquisition listed is for the entire company, unless otherwise noted. The acquisition date listed is the date of the agreement between Electronic Arts (EA) and the subject of the acquisition. Unless otherwise noted, the value of each acquisition is listed in U.S. dollars, because EA is headquartered in the U.S. If the value of the acquisition is not listed, then it is undisclosed. If the EA service that is derived from the acquired company is known, then it is also listed. According to data from Pitch Book via VentureBeat, the company has spent about $2.9 Billion on its 10 biggest acquisitions since 1992
quoted from
there isnt much competition for ea because they bought 39 developers in the past 20-30 years. so dont feed us the crap about if it is profitable why isnt someone else doing it. your company bought alot of the competition, so it wouldnt have to go up against stiffer competition which would result in more developmental time and less profits.- TTZ_Dipsy2 years agoHero+
Multiple threads on the same topic will hurt your cause so they are either locked or merged into one. I only just logged in so I don't know specifically which thread but this isn't to censor you.
130m active users means nothing if they don't wanna play hockey. Someone used Tape to Tape sales in their pitch to port it over but that didn't sell nearly enough to really spook EA.
Everyone bashes EA's product (I fully admit I'm one of em), but they don't own a monopoly - anybody is able to make one, even a AAA studio - nobody wants to do it because sales would be weak and its an expensive type of game to make.
Judging from all the comments in these PC threads over the years I'd say a ton of people have purchased a console to play NHL as they always say "I refuse to buy another console to play this game". PS4 has had a decade of hockey and will most likely be around next year too and they cost less than a PC upgrade.
Also, it's a bit nitpicky but can I ask you to edit a post if you have more to add please? People usually post about how popular certain topics (like this) are but its almost always the same pople posting, inflating numbers which hurts the "priority" in the long run
- @TTZ_Dipsy so the one with the most support is the one you decided to lock? in favor of a brand new one? what kinda logic is that to you?
- TTZ_Dipsy2 years agoHero+
I don't know which post got locked and for what reason; post could have run its course, someone got too angry, or personal info might have been provided, that sort of thing.
I was going to suggest one of the CM's create a proper megathread
- @TTZ_Dipsy also doesnt your company have an analytics system? wouldnt that show you how many views, how many different users have interacted, right at the top or bottom of a post? oh wait, this is ea no way they have all that integrated in anything they created lol
- @TTZ_Dipsy well if you go to the most active post in the nhl general area the last page is it being locked for the reason that there are other posts
title of the last thread
will NHL 24 be on PC this year?
copied the post of the ea staff that locked it and why below
This is not remotely why there is no PC version.
Porting the game to PC isn't the hard part. There is a ton more involved that makes the cost just not worth it without a much larger PC playerbase.
I'm now going to lock this thread as there is a new one on the NHL 24 boards here.
COMMUNITY MANAGER - TTZ_Dipsy2 years agoHero+
The gold and silver ranks on these forums don't work for EA, we're just kinda volunteer mods.
EA has tools to count unique views/users etc. but those on the forums don't so a lot of people get kinda heated and it whips everyone up in to a frenzy when they think they aren't being heard.
This is more of a peer to peer help forum and Reddit and Twitter are pretty much a free for all.
Edit: ah ok, I'll try making a future post with the previous years PC threads so its all in one spot
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