Forum Discussion
Product: NHL 24
Platform:PlayStation 4
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? cjc_22_8
How often does the bug occur? Often (75% - 99%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? 1. Create 2 or more custom teams 2. Have them play against each other in Play Now or Franchise Mode/Season Mode 3. Select Any Jerseys 4. One teams font color will likely mirror the others.
What happens when the bug occurs? The Font Colors are incorrect.
What do you expect to see? I expect to see the correct colors that I have chosen.
Was the issue in online or offline mode? Offline
Insert Game Mode or Feature here Creation Zone -> Create Team / Play Now / Franchise Mode / Season Mode
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 3:00 AM
What is your time zone? EDT
EASHL issues? Please insert your Club Region. N/A
What is your game language? English
Some of us literally only play this game for franchise/custom teams. To have my immersion ripped away just like NHL 22 is incredibly frustrating. As a side note, this did not start happening until the 1.01 update was installed. Unfortunately for us digital users there's nothing we can do about that unless we want to burn $60.
- 2 years ago
If anyone finds a way to reliably load the correct font colors please do let me know(I've been testing stuff to no avail); I'm not waiting until the end of the month to be able to play this game again.
- 2 years ago
I've created 20 teams and really the only thing that's "fixed" it for me is loading into the game, then quitting and trying again. It sucks
- rick-rangerous2 years agoNew Vanguard
Same in WOC on PS5.
First game is all good. In all the following gsmes the fonts of your opponent are showing on your jersey. Tried solutions:
Exit WOC and enter again- still same error
Restart game- first game ok, then as mentioned....
- 2 years ago
Interesting, if it's in WOC too surely it's more of a priority to get fixed at least
- 2 years ago
This isn't exactly a solution, but It seems like the bug only occurs when the font type of the team is the same? When they are the same it's seemed to occur 100% of the time for me. Also found a way to revert to 1.00; the bug was present on that version as well so my mistake there.
- result792 years agoRising Rookie
I have too same problem...Its very frustrating:
- BrettRocker952 years agoSeasoned Novice
Came here to say the same thing. If two created teams have the same font, they will automatically have the same color when you load into a game. EA needs to fix this.
- BrettRocker952 years agoSeasoned Novice@BrettRocker95 Seems like it has been fixed with the latest update.
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