Forum Discussion

itsss_daddy's avatar
12 months ago

Disconnected from EA Servers Midgame

As title suggests. Middle of the game (Online Versus), connection fine all day/game, then randomly buffers, crashes, and says I’m disconnected from EA Servers. Let’s me log back in within a minute. 

spoken to others who have shared the same thing has happened.

incredibly frustrating - I was ranked 30th in Online Versus and this has happened to me no less than 15 times causing me to lose at least 150 points (lose 10+ points every loss). At the point where I’m about to ditch the game

side note - complete joke that you can be winning (I was up 5-0 yesterday) and the EA servers fail but I still get a loss. At the very least why wouldn’t EA just not count it? Incredibly silly

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    12 months ago


    That's going to be your issue then. You could try getting a powerline or MoCA adaptor. I use powerline and it works very well. If you have to stay on wireless, make sure you're using a 5g connection and not 2.4. Either way, this will continue to occur as long as you're playing over wireless.

37 Replies

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    7 months ago


    What happens then if a club just wants to back out of a game? Yes, I get that they don't take an L, but they also punish the other team and that's absolutely not fair. They're still forcing the other team to take a loss. This potentially results in clubs that don't care about the win, but they just want to guarantee the other team gets a loss on their record. If you want the game just to not count, that too isn't fair. I get that the disconnect isn't intended, but this could still be abused. We simply can't build in a way to manipulate the outcome of games. Which, essentially this could be used for.


    I don't see how it's clearly our servers when the vast majority of the community is playing without issue. I'm giving you information that can potentially help resolve this. However, you're choosing to ignore it and make the assumption it's on our end. If that is the case, there's nothing we can do about it without a sudden influx of reports from a bunch of people at once. Like with the AT&T issue we suddenly had a lot of reports about this. While that too wasn't on our end, it was a connection issue affecting a high amount of players which indicated a problem. That's just not happening at the moment so it's not something we can even look into.

  • I don’t know if it’s funny or coincidence- maybe both. But today my offline play is working just fine. I got a couple hours in, without interruption before I decided to shut ‘er down. Guess what, I didn’t change or check anything about my internet connection…

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    7 months ago


    That's how an unstable connection behaves so that's not surprising. Especially if you're still on wireless.

  • My man, I’m starting to think you’re intentionally misunderstanding me. 

    if you are winning and it goes out, the game doesn’t count.

    if you are losing or even tied and connection goes out, then you receive a loss.

    in what random hypothetical is that controversial? How would people “abuse” that? Feels like, per usual, EA is just being lazy and giving zero f’s about the user experience. 

    We’re over here bringing up problems, throwing out some viable solutions and it’s just “hands up, shucks, there’s just no fix to this problem that only appears to be associated with our game.”

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    7 months ago


    I get that. What I'm saying is that if there is a way to avoid taking a loss, even if you're in the lead, it's going to be abused. It's not fair to your opponent who still has a chance at winning that game.

  • Do you, though? Bc you didn’t explain how people would abuse it (makes no sense why someone winning would sabotage the connection and given how rampant the problem is, seems like something worth considering in a cost/benefit analysis) nor did you offer a solution (other than pin the blame on users’ connection). 

    back at square 1. Thanks for the chat. 

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    7 months ago


    It's not a rampant problem. In relation to the overall playerbase, it's a small number of people that regularly disconnect.

    As far as how this could be abused goes, what if a team doesn't have time to finish a game? What if a teammate comes on late and you don't want to finish the current game? What if you're lucky to be in the lead and don't want to risk taking the loss? Now, think about this happening during playoffs. It's also not fair to take away a potential win from your opponent. If your team was behind and you were clearly dominating the game and felt like there was the chance to come back, wouldn't you want that chance?

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