3rd Line Short Handed Roster Bug.
My 10 Hour Trial is Over and I am waiting until 10-4 to Play, But this is one Bug I noticed in Online Versus.
While editing my Rosters, in my attempt to assign and switch Roles, the Boxed 'Roster Grid' would switch from Showing 4 Players to only 1 Player, or 3 Players to Only 1 Player.
Sometimes it would show just a jumbled box, with multiple Players names overlapped, which seems like a Coding error. (as if the codes are all mistakenly assigned to 1 box)
This would happen to both of my 3rd lines when editing my Short Handed Roster.
The temporary fix would be to switch back and forth between another line, then when switching back to the 3rd Line, My changes would appear.
This would happen to me when using the New Jersey Devils in Online Versus.
EA Xbox ID: Lancetheomen