Forum Discussion

SturmWolfe's avatar
New Scout
3 months ago

Checking and AI not working (video proof)

Here you can see I stick check my opponent about 3 or 4 times. I also position me and my ai behind the net to get the puck. That still isn't enough. I then poke check again and my opponent gets the puck back somehow and scores a weird goal. 

The checking in this game is pretty broken and the AI doesn't do a good job at applying pressure to help gain puck possession. 

9 Replies

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    3 months ago

    The shot has an awkward animation. I'll send that over, but I don't see any issues with the AI players not picking up the puck. The carrier is in the best position for regaining possession.

  • SturmWolfe's avatar
    New Scout
    3 months ago

    Then what's the point of having AI if they're not going to help apply pressure on the puck carrier when they're in a puck battle?

    I press my opponent against the boards and my AI come to fish the puck out but they can't help stick check in this situation?

    You make it sound like the AI is purposefully useless. 

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    3 months ago

    They're not purposely useless. Humans, in most every case, are going to be better than AI players. They are still very useful though. I have seen AI defenders play quite well. I've also seen them play not so well. Which is very similar to human players. You could easily find humans that can't play as well as AI just as you can find humans that are better than AI. Skilled players are going to recognize their behavior and be better at getting past them.

  • phomi99's avatar
    Rising Hotshot
    3 months ago

    The checking is broken because ppl are holding LT and hugging the boards. You should play champs, everyone is spamming D2D one tees to score and spinning in circles to avoid hits. I'm pretty much done with this game and ready to commit to FC 25 for the year. The prizes for top 100 in champs includes 2k coins.... I'm not even joking, it literally says 2k coins. 

  • MachoManRandySav's avatar
    Rising Novice
    3 months ago

    CHEL 6vs6 opinion - I'll agree with OP that the hitting is not good and feels almost pointless in a lot of scenarios. Even with a quite larger strong player (195lb 86 body checking, 86 strength, 2-way defenseman), small push checks do absolutely nothing to 160lb big tipper player builds playing netfront. I can attempt to push them over and over with almost no affect. I've tried using truculence, and really seen no difference. They simply don't hit hard enough to interrupt or do anything to them. Hitting is neutered as of right now. I sincerely hope the hitting power is tweaked and improved. Defense becomes boring without all the tools.

  • MasterB89's avatar
    New Vanguard
    3 months ago

    I do find that even offline the soft checks or bumps seem to not do as much as it would when the AI player checks, but Im not sure if its fully the game or partly the positioning of the players (need more testing here).

    Sadly, it seems the one tees is only an issue for online play as it's not an issue in offline gameplay, I have found playing on superstar with catered sliders for difficulty, that the AI is willing to cut off/deflect the pass or even get in the way of the shot to prevent it from going to the net (has caused a few AI player injuries). 

    Plus I have greened a few now and the goalie made the save, due to no screen in front of them. 

    Its hard to see how the online games go, as it seems to not flow like a hockey game and just a meta spam to try and win.

  • Spawnessj's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    3 months ago

    Ya this sucks even the Goalie couldn't coral an easy short side kind of shot.

  • MasterB89's avatar
    New Vanguard
    3 months ago

    I have seen the comments for the goalies in online play as well. I have rare times where the goalies are bad or weak shots go in. When they do go in, I understand that IRL hockey bad goals can go in (it would be maybe 1 every few games unless my or the AI goalie has a bad game). This game still has the trend (which can be based off confidence, whereas if a goalie lets in the 1 shot or 2 on 3 or 4, usually that means the goalie AI or user team - is having a bad game and you usually need to either take a time out or change the goalie)

    I have had only one real glitch goal that was scored on my team's goalie and it was due to the goalie trying to do 2 animations almost at once, where they should have just stayed in the original animation, but this is a hockey game so I can't expect perfection.  

    I have watched people play online games (I gave up years ago on it) and can see how things are. It really isn't the hockey experience it should be but from what I have seen its not about hockey but winning with meta (so there is no way the game can be better if they are willing to just abuse abilities).

  • phomi99's avatar
    Rising Hotshot
    3 months ago

    You nailed it right on the head. In HUT once you enter their zone it's near impossible for the opponent to defend. If I turn my back to him at the boards while holding LT, I avoid all hits. So people now are just sitting back in front of the net and waiting for you to shoot and grab the blocked shot. The hitting is so bad that players know not to even attempt a hit.

    Also just wait for the rest of the community to catch on because fast wraps are back so we're looking at NHL 23 gameplay but with zero hitting.

    I tried 3s clubs with a buddy he lasted 2 games on defense and I couldn't convince him to play it again. That's just sad.