Forum Discussion

rsandersr47's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 days ago

Didn't buy

Didn't buy this year's game. Likely won't buy next year's game..

Nearly every post on here confirms everything I believed. 

The devs have done so poorly that the player base is moving on. The sport itself is gaining popularity, despite this the game is losing population. This is only possible through gross incompetence. Year 1 with this new dev team we saw little changes as they claimed they didn't have time and despite the many bugs they didnt patch anything as they were focused on the next game. Year 2 we saw minor changes, they claimed most of their large updates would be multi year projects. Year 3 almost no updates, worse lobbies, almost no patches.

It seems the EASHL community,  HUT community,  and offline community all feel they're being left out because changes must be happening in the modes they're not playing, right? 

I'm not sure as consumers we can do anything to right the ship. They claimed they were starting a discord so we may voice our concerns 2 years ago. They brought it back up on X about 5 months ago.. it's taking as long to open that up as any other update this game sees. This game is years behind every other EA title and now decades behind 2K. 

As they player pop drops we will see match making grow even worse. It's already no room size match, no rank match, AND long wait times? YIKES! Any game I play besides this game has FAR better matchmaking, I can't think of a single title that's close. 

HUT content from what I've heard has only grown worse/ more stale. BAP wasn't touched. EASHL they added robots or something?

How many devs are working on this game? What are they doing? How many hours are they working? How much are they getting paid? How many more years before we see sizable updates? Is it a lack of ideas or ability that this game is just not able to keep up/ improve/ evolve. 

I'd love to see sales numbers over the last decade. I only see them continuing to drop. This game could be so much more fun with the right devs in place and a team who really cared. I see much more popular games where the devs are active with their community.  Here.. we just hope they get word of what we think and we get no response in return. It's sad. This was my favorite game for a number of years, now I wouldn't play it for free..

  • Next year I will wait until the game is 50% off in Nov, if I even decide to play again. The quality control is, let alone the innovation or improvements, is abysmal. The game has been out for more than 2 months and I still have to lower the volume on the Dual Sense controller every time I start the game or get blasted with irritatingly loud goal music and effects in my face. The controller volume resets to 10/10 every time you close the game and open it again. The menus are slow and sloppy, which has been that way since NHL 15. 

    My div 10 team gets matched with Div 1 teams constantly, so its impossible to get better at the game when you just get clapped by teams loaded with diamond, elite players every game. The skill gap in this game is brutal, and getting matched against elite players 8 out of 10 games is demoralizing and just ensures that mid to low skill people like me just go do something else that has a higher dopamine to time ratio. It seems like EA have just prioritized matching people to any game over matching people to games that are more competitive for their skill level. I don't even understand why there are divisions if it has no impact on the teams you play against. Teams with really poor morals will reset their team constantly to try and improve their chances of getting lower skilled opponents. There should be a cooldown for teams/players that disband/leave club. Club members should not be able to play in drop-ins, and if they do there should be no RP gain/penalty to them/opponent to make it less profitable. The whole RP farming is really killing this mode. All of this leads to a poor experience overall in EASHL.

    I stopped playing HUT because of the HUT Champs reward structure burning an entire week of my time and I only got 6 wins, which meant I got basically nothing. I hadn't really played online up to that point and the experience was brutal. All the games were chasing down or setting up D2D one timers and I was bad at both. Last year you could win 6 games and still earn some collectibles that you could store up for a future future reward. This year it's win 10 games or better luck next time. This makes people who are unable to get 10 wins reliably just abstain from HUT Champs. Maybe that's what they wanted? If so, congrats. I won't be wasting a week of my time to qualify for Champs and then play 20 games. It was a substantial time investment for me with an extremely low ROI. Is it a skill issue? Mostly. I acknowledge that. There is not a single game in my library that wastes my time as much as HUT.  I choose to avoid the entire mode of HUT, because it's clear they only cater to 2 players in that mode, the people who play like bots, or the people who run up large credit card balances for digital content. I am neither of those people.

    I didn't really leave the game, the game left me.