Actually, what you are looking for is the quickplay 3v3 mode, which was designed with that idea in mind. No RP involved and quick 5 min games and done. Get to try and get a feel for the game and all its mechanics. Drop ins are sometimes preferred for people because they don't have their full team on of 5 or 6 and instead have only 3 or 4, they would rather go into drop in and find a random or 2 humans to drop in with. They did a nice job this year with their Drop into club system/LFG allowing a single person to join into some club lobbies if you match the criteria they are looking for. Unfortunately it wasn't really well advertised so people still don't understand or just don't trust it.
I would like to see a feature that, as a club, allows you to wait for your dressing room to fill with your desired player count before searching for games.... or on the drop in players side, only allow drop into clubs option.