It happens on EVERY single play on EASHL. Ive been harsh on NHL games the last few years but to be 100% honest and provide critical feedback, the issue is with the way you've designed the Loadouts and the goaltending/defense AI.
A big issue WAS with the superstar and zone abilities. Im VERY glad you changed speed from those. But the base loadouts you guys put in the game is very bad for it. I'm willing to bet 90% of all EASHL players use dangler or some form of small (sub 6'0, <180lbs) player. The base speed is way too quick with little to no dropoff from other stats. Its very painful playing this in every game when they can easily breeze past slow, uncoordinated AI defensemen who get stuck at the blueline and cannot backcheck at all, with little to no drop off in puck handling, strength, and shooting. It happens for me, and against me, and its boring both ways. A tiny player should not be able to destroy my power forward on EVERY single hit, take the puck down the ice with full speed, either score on the same forehand -> backhand breakaway, or miss and still skate full speed back down the ice to disrupt the play with a big hit or easy puck abilities. Its infuriating. These loadouts, if they are your future for EASHL, need to be modelled after real players, not made up loadouts that players abuse. You have what, 40-50+ zone abilities and superstar effects. How many DONT get used because the same 2-3 have been broken for 2-3 games. Bring back standardized loadouts, with the option to add a COUPLE of perks. Current play is horrible.
Similarly, I don't know what you did with your online goaltending this year, but its by far the laziest, most pathetic version in a while. I'm not even trying to rag on the game. The goaltending is just that bad. Lazy, weak shots are going in, the animations do not match what's happening at all, and the sheer volume of out to lunch plays is way too arcade-y. Look at the last few major NHL tournaments and it was already an issue with games being 12-10. Now you get that many goals EVERY game because of how bad the goaltending is in 25. It really needs a tune up. There should also be some variety from game-to-game with goalie size and weight. Im tired of the same 5'10 goalie who still can't move in the crease.