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TheUnusedCrayon's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 months ago

Goalie Reaction Save and Goalie One-T Reaction Time slider don't adjust enough.

I'm trying to create realistic sliders, but if I tune down shot accuracy to a realistic amount, I want to tune down goalie save reaction time. 

I turn it all the way down to 0, and even on 0 and shot power pumped up, goalies still react at insane speeds no matter the game speed. The only shots that seem to go in are just inside the post, off the post or off the goalie and in now. Taking shots from the middle of the slot shouldn't need to be deadly accurate to go in every single time. I shouldn't need to pump up shot power to the 90's with slightly reduced shot accuracy in order for the AI to score goals. It's been like this multiple years in a row now. It's the reason why I didn't purchase the game myself this year (wife bought it for me as a gift 65% off). 

Same thing goes for one-timer reactions for netminders. They are still nearly reacting almost instantaneously. The slider does have a very slightttt effect at 0, but it's still way too quick to where the AI can do a tic-tac-toe play and the goalie is in great position to make the save. 

It's a shame because the goalie animations would actually look absolutely beautiful if this was adjusted as some of the desperation save animations where they just throw the body at the puck would make for some truly unbelievable highlight and realistic hockey. 

Please listen this year and actually make these sliders matter. Going from 50 to 0 should have a huge impact and it hardly does anything. 

5 Replies

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    2 months ago

    Hi there. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. The constructive feedback is appreciated!

  • Try raising them for a few games and see what happens. I feel like they’re backwards. 

  • Javiair's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    2 months ago

    You have the right idea, however.. you must have an understanding of what the sliders do. Think of them as a giant web, if you mess with one slider, it affects the entire play in some way. I understand what you want to do, but it’s not as simple as moving 1 slider to get what you want. Example. 

    Must understand how shooting accuracy vs power affects the game. There was an experiment done with the shooting sliders some years ago. They went 0 accuracy with 100 power vs 100 accuracy vs 0 power. You would think power would win over accuracy right? The 100 accuracy with 0 power scored far more goals than 0 accuracy with 100 power. Even tho they had no shot power, if a goalie left even an inch of opening, the AI players can hit their spot thus scoring more goals. So if you want more goals, pump up the accuracy, 

    I set up my sliders based on ratio. The hardest slapshot is about 104mph and the fastest wrist shot is about 80mph. Thats 24% difference. So if I set my slap shot power at 50/100, 76% of 50 is 38 so 38/100 is my wrist shot slider. If you want a harder slap shot. Say 75 on your slider, then 75x76% =57 on your wrist shot power. BUT since power isn’t what score goals, I just keep it at 50 and 38 respectively.

    Accuracy is where the goals are scored. I have tried to find any stat on slapshot vs wrist shot accuracy, but I went with 20% reduction. I have my wrist shot accuracy at 45/100 and 20% reduction would be 36/100. That seems to be a good ratio for me.

    Also must take into account the attribute effects slider as well. At 0/10, then all the players have the same shot accuracy and power and speed and balance and hitting and every rating will all be the same. At 10/10 then the gap between highest and lowest rated player is true.  I keep my slider at 8/10. Seems to be a decent balance.

    As far as goalie sliders, I have the goalie reaction time even with my fastest shot power rating. Since I have my slap shot power at 50, my goalie save reaction time slider is at 50. But remember, accuracy scores goals. BUT if the goalies are superhuman, then begin to reduce by 10% until I find the right slider setting. BUT remember. Play against the best goalies in the game to adjust the Save reaction time slider. You might have to play 4 games against Tampa or Dallas or Winnipeg to get the sliders dialed in. If I play 4 games against Winnipeg and Hellebuyck has an .850 Save %, then I bump up the save reaction slider by 10%. I will adjust until I get them to where I like them to be. Great, but not overly dominant.  

    Sliders are a Web. You move one thing, you affect others. Look into your fatigue effect rating. If you have full pressure and the goalie is still making save after save, then your fatigue rating is too low. I have mine set at 99/100 so if a goalie is tired, then his skills go down. I have a low fatigue recovery so that the 3rd and 4th lines play. I dont want to have to face McDavid for 45min in a game. So I have mine set at 10/100..

    Anyways, sorry for the book.  


  • TheUnusedCrayon's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 months ago

    I'm fully aware of how sliders work.

    In previous years they worked better though. I know that pumping up accuracy will result in more goals. My problem is I don't want to pump up accuracy. In previous years you could get away with pumping up accuracy by increasing power to get more goal variety and save variety. This year (and last year) you can't.

  • Javiair's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    2 days ago

    If you want a ‘variety’ of goals or shots against you. Then max out the CPU strategy slider. 

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