Forum Discussion

Modulater83's avatar
New Novice
4 hours ago

Involuntary fighting (NHL 24 onward...)

I think there is a bug causing involuntary fighting. I don't mean when you have to "answer the bell" after a big hit (which I don't like either, but is another discussion).  I am talking about their goalie gloves it for a whistle, I put my controller down to sip a beverage, and suddenly I am in a fight.  Not sure if it's an exploit used by the other team but it's been happening to my EASHL club over the last couple months.  Tonight was sucked into two straight fights and my center man one as well in the same game.  No chippiness after the whistle, nothing.  Only thing we can think of is we were near the net and the defenseman started it each time.  It really sucks when it happens, don't want to sit for 5, especially when I have zero agency over it.

  • Yeah, some less-than-savory players know how to force you into a fight after their goalie freezes the puck and your players are near their net. It's ridiculous and it happens in OVP as well.