New franchise features question
So in regards to the new free agent negotiations system.
Take for example the NTC and PLAYER REQUESTS and PROMISES mechanics.
Will this information still be viewable after the player is signed? Will I be able to go into the player card and see what teams are on his NTC and that I promised him first line minutes, or will that info be lost to the ether like items of years past?
Are power play preferences for players available for view now? It looks like that hasn't been fixed. When viewing the free agents pool part of the fog of war report is that the player fits on one of the power play units. Once that player is signed the info for where he fits is nowhere to be found.
In addition to my last post of concerns its things like this that drive me nuts and the fact that these things slip through the cracks are the exact reason I've not purchased this game the lasts 4 years.