Forum Discussion
66 Replies
- BoredJason135 months agoRising Veteran
I’m kind of bummed out that the “flex cam” is still a thing after a goal. Wasn’t cool last year and it looks even more annoying now. Hoping there’s a way we can turn it off
- Cycloniac5 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Also wondering if we can turn off the flex celebrations?
The only hint this was not NHL '24 or '23 was the score clock. I did see a few reaction animations and noticed the skill-based one-timer shadow appearing under players.... but presentation, lighting, textures.. everything looks identical.
- sWator325 months agoNew Adventurer
The first look at the game could not be worse. The visitors are playing in the NHL for the first time in their lives. The animation after the goal is insanely dark. Cut out footage when the game is interrupted.
- SummerOfDekes5 months agoNew Ace
That was brutal. I noticed maybe one instance where the skating and gameplay looked any different at all. In all fairness, that could be due to the fact that the Hughes brothers don't play this game.
But, that makes me question the decision to have a bunch of athletes who don't have time to play these games to be the ones to showcase the first real look at gameplay. Why not have guys like Sleeveless, TacTixHD, etc., guys who actually know how to play EA NHL, play the game? That would've given us a much better idea of what the gameplay is like.
Same presentation, same goals going in, sameish gameplay. Are we buying this for the updated cover art?
- mscud355 months agoRising Rookie
lol what a joke. Looked exactly the same. Don’t have people who don’t know to play do a video like this. Didn’t see any of the so called new additions
SummerOfDekes wrote:
Why not have guys like Sleeveless, TacTixHD, etc., guys who actually know how to play EA NHL, play the game? That would've given us a much better idea of what the gameplay is like.
You're right, but after seeing this gameplay footage, I think it's obvious why they didn't want hardcore players dissecting it.
I'm still holding out hope that this was filmed when the game was still in alpha or beta and there've been a ton of additions since this build. But if so, it begs the question as to why this was our first look at raw gameplay.
- MasterB895 months agoSeasoned Ace
Honest question; Can someone please put in times where there is actual usage of ICE-Q cause gameplay wise this looked the same as the NHL 24 game I played just before (where was the players shifting between opposing players? AI didn't seem to do it and already saw players bump into each other? Also, where did Sapien technology play into the player looks? Cause movement wise they look mainly the same and player models don't really look different either from what has been shown so far, aside from the fact that most of the players seem to not be wearing shoulder pads..
- mscud355 months agoRising Rookie
Did they say anywhere when this was filmed?
- phdvpm8m86w55 months agoNew Traveler
Lmao Quinn was criticizing hard. Dude was talking about how bad the swimming was and they just cut it off mid sentence and fast forwarded the game. My favorite part was when he was calling out a formation and looked so disappointed when the AI were so out of place.
On another note, this year genuinely looks the same. I know it's hockey but every other year at least had some noticable change. This "ice Q" BS is no where to be found. Looks like EA took a year off. Just give the NHL rights to a indie dev
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