Forum Discussion

CapeBretonIslndr's avatar
New Traveler
2 days ago

This will not resonate with non-hockey players.

Imagine loading into an EASHL 6vs6 pre-lobby (searching for teammates), and having a similar sounding Steve Urkel voice informing you, via microphone, that because my goalie character doesn't have any of the X-Factor(s), build, etc., attributes that the current 6-person team can't move on to the lobby that'll reveal our potential opponents. Nope. And the entire team backs out. 

What in the blue hell has happened to the hockey video game player base that has now decided to refrain from actual logic, clearly sees that there's obviously a lack of numbers playing this game, and now it's a pick and choose scenario? Whatever happened to being grateful that you have a full team? When did pond hockey rules become a thing of the past? What does a hockey video game players' "build", "attributes", etc., have anything to do with their ability to make a difference in this not-so-real game of hockey? I know, it's baffling. 

Those questions, even though aren't very tough to answer, shows that this once great community is now catering to the illogical thought process: if you're not a follower, then you're not going to play. Meaning, because of this X-Factor shenanigans/gimmick were forced into hockey video gaming, it's now a popularity thing. Oh, and don't have a logo of the team that you're a fan of, as that's also a discriminating factor. If you're an observant person, you'll know what I'm referring to. 

Just as a hindsight, there was a time where home and away NHL jerseys were allowed to be displayed, in EASHL, and players from around the world could non-shamingly boast about and display the team that they were a fan of. The current display is generic failure. 

Personally, I do not give a rats arse what team that you're a fan of. I do not give a rats arse what build you have. I do not give a rats arse what X-Factor you're using. I do no give a rats arse what jersey, attire, etc., that your character has (although it's respectful to respect the best sport in the world, of which is hockey - keep it hockey). And most importantly, when in Threes, 3vs3, and in any mode, pass the puck to the open man/player, as they're also paying to play online, and their time shouldn't be wasted watching you constantly fail at thinking this game is an individual sport. 

Bottom line, I shouldn't have to post this, but hockey players are becoming less frequent, and the individuality is becoming more frequent: a generation influenced by narcissism and social media. As this is coming from someone that was in their mid-teens, back in 1993, when I first started playing this series, cut the garbage out, and respect the game of hockey.

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