Forum Discussion

RedWings3819's avatar
17 hours ago

Threes Eliminator Uniforms

Why is my character wearing the default nighthawks and icebreakers casual gear when playing as a club? It uses my casual gear when playing drop-in, but not when playing as a club. In NHL 23, threes eliminator used pro club gear, and in NHL 24, it used casual gear. Now in NHL 25 I’m dressed like a default, and it doesn’t even display the character that I bought correctly. EA, fix this, because I don’t want to be skating around NHL 25 looking like Jeff Lee or Amar Gill.

  • EA_Aljo  is this going to be fixed ? Can we please wear our club gear in threes eliminator. Or at least give the option to wear club gear. I can’t tell who is who on the ice right now!! Madness!! 

  • CLX90's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    I asked same thing yesterday (harder way though because my bad english) and haven't got answer... Makes playing pretty difficulty now because of that. Me and my teammate made totally different look of our players so we don't confuse that wich one is wich and now this is happening ALL THE TIME. 

    Bought same jersey i was wearing in NHL 24 (almost 2000 chel coins) and now i cannot use it. Fast game and small rink with identical players... Not good. I also hope that this will be fixed asap.