Forum Discussion

speedkillz017's avatar
16 hours ago

Unforgivable search times Chel games!

4 minute search times in chel is unforgivable!

  • Rename34345's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Put the blame on management and request that EA Canada and EA Sports do something proactive and replace the management. They are the sole reason that player count is down and this game circling the drain. You can't consistently blame every crop of devs that come in for decisions made my higher ups on what to do or not to do. 

  • Your lobby is glitched .  Either all leave and reform lobby or someone else said quickly search for a random pw private match then exit search and go back to normal search.  People saying the population is low is just not true.  LFG posts are above average right now.

    Our lobby usually glitches when a couple people change positions or loadouts.  Think of it as loadout glitch on steroids but not apparent up front.  



    • Rename34345's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      The population for NHL online is low. In fact it gets lower every year. Why do you think the number of online players is so hard to find? They know how many they have. They removed lobbies so you couldn't see the player count.