8 days agoNew Scout
With how you now need 30 wins in online games now with limited time to get those wins…. And we know match making is pretty broken. How come if I am getting beat 5-0 I have to stay in the game to get ...
The only thing they changed regarding games is. If you conceded before you were given nothing but a 3-0 loss, with the option of replaying the game for 500 coins. They just removed that part, and the game is not replayable. I understand where you are coming from. You gain nothing by having to endure a lopsided game, but have to remain for benefits. Personally. This new XP reward system is a joke. Less value in both coins and packs, while having to play more games to achieve them. And the rewards are repetitive.
Yeah I am not one to quit out of games at the drop of a hat like some people. But I mean when you’re getting matched against guys that have top 100 cards from hut why do I have to sit there and get pummeled if I am playing for the XP/coins.
last I remembered Madden had a concede button to where one player would initiate it and you can either agree or disagree to end the game.