Forum Discussion

mxflys's avatar
Rising Novice
2 days ago

Game Breakers Collectibles in Hut moments too hard!

you need 6 collectibles to make a game breaker player to do objectives but i find the computer way to hard to beat on all star this early in the year my team is a 79 and your already down a goal when starting 3rd period why cant you just make this on pro like you guys did last year for most of these collectibles! 

  • Yeah some of those all star moments are really tough and took me multiple tries. I'd suggest looking up a couple of YT videos on how to score more, and play smart defense (don't go for hits and miss a lot). Try some of the other moments to get better cards too. Definitely play some Wildcard games and get those packs

  • mxflys's avatar
    Rising Novice

    Thanks for the advice it actually worked! got them done, Thank you!