Forum Discussion

TTS2025's avatar
Seasoned Novice
20 hours ago

Online Petition to EA Developers

Dear EA,

 After the new HUT format dropped this week, I think it's far to say that the majority of players are disappointed with the lack of quality rewards (and packs in general). While we understand you has chosen a slower progression this year, with card overalls lower than before, it still doesn't allow for the player base at large to realistically build for X-Factors and Hologram Icons via Wildcards and the XP path respectively. I think I can speak for many players in saying that the problem is not with the XP path, it's the quality of the rewards. We went from earning great weekly packs last year to this.

 We're not asking for the old system back, but we do miss the excitement of opening weekly packs that we play for that the XP path doesn't offer. As loyal customers, we simply want the fun back in the game, and if XP is it, at least give us all something to motivate us to play these modes.

I am asking on behalf of a strong majority of the player base anyone who wishes to sign this online petition with their gamertag, for EA to hear our concerns. Thank you for your time.



  • aliens360's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    EA_AljoCan you at least tell us that you will pass the message to the dev or give us some kind of update please ? It would be appreciated. I have bought every nhl game since 94. Im worried that we won’t be able to find an online HUT game in 3 weeks because no one will play in HUT game mode if nothing changes real soon. Because at this moment, the HUT game mode is not fun at all. There is a lot of issues. Opening a pack when you already know that the player you will get won’t play in your team is kind of boring. Give us an open all button at least ?  We need something realistic to chase,  we need packs that will give our brains the dopamine we are craving for.  We need something to keep us addicted to your game. Getting instant reward is great ! But when you know that you need to play 4-5 games to get to the next tier and that you already see that the reward will be 3000 coins, the next one a bronze pack, next one xp tokens and that the tier after, you may have a small chance of getting a player good enough to play on your team, it’s just discouraging the players to keep grinding. I have never seen a broken progression system like this in any other good video games. This is mind boggling to me. You guys should be the specialist on how to keep us addicted in a game mode. Anyway, i could go on for hours lol. EA_Aljo Please tell us that the dev are at least aware and aknowledge that there’s a problem. 

    thank you !