Forum Discussion
I kind of did the same thing... when i first did my own character I got drafted by Buffalo and training seemed to be there... although very limited....
I deleted that character because i wanted to play on MY favorite team, so i started over and created a character and selected go straight to pros so i could be on my favorite team. Now about 15 games into the season (and preseason) I have gained and used ONE point for training... I dont know whats going on, but they never have training coming up at all.... in the other hockey games you got training hours every week.. so far... 1 hour... thats it... I have gotten skill points to use as i level up.. but no training.. I dont know what i have to do to get training....
That and its forcing me to be Left Wing instead of center which I want to be center... its a damn shame EA is forcing so many things on us that makes us play there way instead of having fun and playing our way.... If i create a center... then by default, i should always be at the center position... im tired of the team losing face offs all the time because i cant control them.... Please fix these two things as soon as possible..... Im at the point that i want to stop playing due to this.....
- 4 years ago
I could be wrong but I don't think you "earn" training points I think they're just given based on the schedule and you're training time that week I've started multiple careers and get the same training points at the same time Everytime I agree it seems like less points this year but it's also a condensed schedule long Olympic break in February of the first season I haven't played to that point but I'd expect to see an abundance of training points handed out then.
Another example from 21 if I got eliminated from the playoffs I'd get tons of training points every week cause I had no games but if I made the playoffs I barely got any points cause my schedule was occupied with games instead.
So I think it's trying to give you a balance of on ice training so in game xp earned versus off ice training points given to give you a boost so that your off time doesn't seem wasted.
- 4 years ago
Thanks for the answer.. but is it normal to go weeks and weeks without any training at all??? what are we doing all the days we are NOT playing?? I have only had 1 Hour of training and I am 20 games into the season including all the preseason games??? Is this normal? In the other games, there seem to be training hours almost in between every game played... not so much this time around... just confused because it seems its not working.... 1 hour in 20 games seems like not much....
- 4 years ago
Thanks guys for your replies. I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing this issue. I think EA dropped the ball on this season because I believe you should get training points each week. How else are we supposed to build up our faceoff skill and other points that seems to go negative that we cannot control? My position is center but they made me a left wing, so how do I build up faceoff skill with no weekly points? Durability it goes less and less each game and weekly points should balance that out. I can no longer play more than a year because EA took all the good things out of BAP such as news around the league and injuries and trades. Really, other than the story about your player BAP has absolutely nothing to do with the NHL. I never seen a game mode that does not talk about players who retired or injured or traded in the league. Now add on the training points issue it’s just ridiculous.
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