4 years ago
Creation zone improvements
I have a dream. Easier and quicker way to create a player: 1) Set player's name, size, face, equipment etc. 2) Set player type: playmaker, power forward etc. 3) Set player's overall, for example 8...
- customs logos - create goalie mask -design your goalie equipment -design your own jersey - fully customize and create and edit players in franchise mode. Meaning nothing is greyed out you can change attributes appearance weight height everything. Example 2k my NBA mode that should be how you model your ability for fully customizing your league.we should have the ability to do what ever we want and create whatever type of super fantasy or super realistic league we want.- no pre set color location when designing your jersey, pants , socks etc.- be able to enter to RGB codes into the color wheel.- when adjusting attributes we should have the ability to scroll down or up on the overall to adjust all attributes at once. Example if you rise it to the maximum your player will be 99 in all categories without having to adjust each category for the same result.