@EA_Aljo wrote:
We don't go into fine details about these investigations. At least, not while they are occurring. I simply don't have any more details at this time.
As far as the ping plotter goes, you can see you're getting spikes early on. The 3rd hop shows a max of 182. That is well before our servers. Then, it looks ok until a spike of 72 on the 13th hop. This would be before our servers as well. That said, I'm not an expert with ping plotter. In the past, the UO Trace tool had our servers being the last ones on the list. This makes sense since they are the destination. I'm not sure that ping plotter works the same way since I can't confirm which are our servers. I know they would be after the hops I mentioned though so it looks like the issue is not on our end. I'm not saying absolutely nothing is going on on our end. We'll have to wait until we have some news on this. I don't know when that will be.
@EA_Aljo thank you for your response on this matter. I do appreciate the interaction with all this.
However, I have done every troubleshooting step known to man and EA at this point. I have swapped out modems, routers, wires, and had a new wire ran from the pole to the inside of my house. Basically every possible piece of my setup is brand new in some way. Everything that I have control over has been dealt with and sometimes a few times over. I also have NO other options for internet here, and I figure that 400/20meg should be way more than I need to do anything I can right now as gaming traffic utilizes MUCH less than that.
With all of that being said, what do you expect me to do to have a satisfactory experience online? When you answer that keep in mind that I don't have any intention of moving in order to play a game, and that it's in my belief that YOU (EA Sports) need to be the ones held responsible to make sure that ALL people of different internet styles are created EQUAL in the playing field so this crap doesn't happen like it does now.