@EA Support / Help
Has there been any news / development on when the collection bonus pack issues are going to be fixed for the 3rd gen consoles (xbox 360) ?
At present have completed over half of the National Team collections and have been trying to open / activate the bonus reward packs, even trying the placing the card back up to aucton method that was advised on the help page, yet still with no results or signs of the issue being rectified.
Can you advise how this issue will be rectified and when? Because doubt it is only just me that is starting to doubt the EA "Great Game Guarantee" when a issue that has been around for what would be swiftly approaching if not exceeding a third of a year now from when the game was released and is still yet to be rectified! Which to be frank is absolutely appalling and downright deplorable!
If you can advise of when a resolution will be made available and what will be done to rectify this issue and inconvenience it would be greatly appreciated and if not what is going to be done for the players/customers who have been affected by the release of an incomplete product, which has lacked the full functionality that was expected when they purchased your product!
Xbox 360 GT: plebometer666