Thanks for the response! Just thought i'd say there's yet another reddit thread regarding EA's statement to "regain the trust of the pc gamer" with multiple people waiting for EA to bring back sports titles...
"If they'd .... release games that'd be nice for PC. Like I don't know.... UFC, NFL, NBA"
"Totally missed NHL. That is honestly one of the 2 games I miss not owning a console. That and Forza."
"Then Bring Madden and NHL games back to PC!!!!"
"You can start by releasing Madden on the PC."
"NHL would be easy, huge following in many parts of Europe, Canada, and the US."
"Yep. I do love me some Madden and almost bought a next gen console for it this year. We get FIFA so we know the engine works on PC. Give me some Madden and NHL!"
"Bringing me Madden and NHL on PC will go a long way with me personally."
and the list goes on...
Link to thread here.