9 years ago
No NHL on PC?
Why can't I buy this game (or any other EA Sports game other than FIFA) for PC?
Looking back at my history, I have been asking this question for more than three years. The NHL series has been abs...
Please refer to my thread here. There are a couple well written arguments and I provide MANY links with MANY people wondering when the rest of EA sports lineup is coming back to PC.
It's good to hear people haven't given up on the quest to bring NHL back to PC. Seeing that your thread was posted just last month is really encouraging, unlike the non-responses I get from EA.
I have been asking this simple question for YEARS on-
EA's Youtube Videos
EA's Google+ Page
EA's Facebook Page
EA's Forum (here)
EA's Help Desk
EA's Email
The social media manager(s) for the aforementioned platforms have provided me with zero input, which is pretty shocking considering how EA pledged to do better by the PC community less than a year ago-
How does EA not understand that there would be ZERO competition for this product for PC-exclusive players? The games you mentioned in your thread are probably great, but none of them offers quite the same experience, as you are surely well-aware. PC is the largest, most profitable gaming platform on the planet. I'm not about to devolve the discussion by saying PC is "superior" or "better", but it did outsell console games by a billion dollars last year. It benefits all of the community directly and immediately by expanding the player base.
I'm with you guys 100% in wanting Nhl/NFL on pc. They must not think they could turn a profit or they would.... The thing that gets me is why they would secure an exclusive license for nfl and then only put in out on limited platforms?? I wont be forced to buy a gaming console to play these titles, so I lose out on that and they dont get any of my $......
@yigmalsh wrote:
They must not think they could turn a profit or they would...
Yes, this is the proposed answer from EA apologists and fanboys alike (not saying you're either of those, of course). Having seen that argument before, I usually cite the time that has elapsed between titles (the last one was a Playstation 2 port), the shifting in demographics, the global interest in ice hockey, etc, etc.
What is really irksome on EA's part is that *THEY* won't come out and say this in a press release, or even give their staff a script to read from in the event this question comes up. Ignoring one of, if not the biggest player bases in the world is not good public relations, which is generally considered bad business.
Accepting that Bad PR/Bad Business backdrop for the conversation, it raises the issue of "When was the last time this question was seriously visited by the bean counters that make these decisions?" And again, no information to work with from EA, so we can only guess. Basically what I'm saying is that the opacity from EA comes off as callous carelessness. It also makes them look like they have something to hide, which is a tinfoil hat discussion I'd just as soon not get into, but I have my theories...