Forum Discussion
And label our offline rosters as just that OFFLINE ROSTERS ! That can be edited all the time in every aspect of the game !
This actually doesn’t make any sense as the online play and offline rosters are already separate. They merely don’t want people breaking Franchise mode.
And If memory serves me correctly this option has been around for a long time now ? So the option is there to use a EA Roster only online problem solved.
So since that's solved boy that was tuff to figure out.So now onto our OFFLINE ROSTERS that can only be used offline for any mode & can be edited all the time anywhere anytime is taken away cause of cheating in your own private home ? Yea makes sense & it's NOT CHEATING AT ALL ITS CALLED FUN.1 Timers , goals , great goaltending that's not cheating ! As EA says but don't stick to , its in the Game !
So to follow this so called cheating as yinz call it ! Then all players in the game should all be edited to 50 all over all attributes 50.No goals , no great game play no fun oops mean cheating.
Heck if they can't give us edit players in season then at least give us the option to decrease & minus all abilities of all players during anytime on game in season etc.
At least this way if we can minus players down to 50s & 40s then we can have 60s & 70 overall as are fun oops mean cheating ! The 60s & 70s would seem like great players against 40s & 50 s ! THIS IS A VERY STOOPID IDEA ! BUT it follows along with there no fun cheating logic or lack there of !
EA_Blueberry: Removed excessive bold font
Another thing missing along with the shot bias update I downloaded is the LA Kings new unis ?
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