Getting Started with Spore: Registering, installing and connecting to the Game
Hi! I've seen that @Freggi-Liz is constantly answering people with login problems in Spore, so I want to help! They are mostly problems with people playing the disk version of the game or having problems with the Steam version, and the solutions are just the same.
I remember that back on the Sporums, SporeMaster Kyle published a very good guide on how to connect to the Spore servers after the 2016 server update. So I'm reposting it here with minor adjustments:
Buying and Downloading Spore
The main Spore game, and both expansions (Creepy & Cute parts pack, Galactic Adventure expansion pack) can be purchased from the following locations:
No matter where you purchase, you can always transfer your copy of Spore to Origin. See "Registering with Spore" below.
Spore was previously available on DVD. This version of the game is no longer receiving updates, and cannot play online. Please transfer it to Origin for online functionality, bug fixes, and added features for Spore and Galactic Adventures.
Creating a Spore Account
A Spore persona is needed to use online features for Spore.
Your Spore persona is linked to an EA/Origin account. Note that your Spore and Origin screen names may be different, depending on how you set up your account. Your Spore screen name cannot be changed, but you can add up to 5 personas per EA/Origin account at
To create a Spore persona:
- Load Spore
- On the screen that shows after the intro you will see three boxes at the bottom of the window
- Enter your EA/Origin account email and password in the first two boxes, then add the name you want to use in Spore on the right (you can add more through the website later)
- Click Register
Note: The email address and password you use at or other EA games is the same email and password you should use for Spore. If in doubt, go to and try to login with your email. If it exists, that is your account. If it doesn't, create an account with EA before loading Spore.
Registering Spore on Origin
If you purchased Spore on other services, and cannot register in-game, or simply need to download the game from Origin, follow these instructions.
- Go to and log with your EA/Origin Account. email and password
- Go to, you have to be logged on for this page to load correctly.
- Redeem your codes (Spore, Galactic Adventures, Creepy & Cute Parts Pack) codes from non-Origin locations
- IMPORTANT! For base game, make sure to redeem actual game and not the Spore Community Access.
- Run the game.
- Choose "Register" and log in with your EA Account email and password and pick your Spore persona
You can also redeem the codes from CD/DVD, Steam or GOG directly in Origin if you have it installed and if they haven't been attached to an account already.
If you get the message that your code has already been used, contact EA Support at and have your serial code ready to give to the game advisor. They will be able to help you out.
Installing and updating the game
If you installed Spore from one of the three above services (Origin, Steam, GOG) after March 2017, you already have the latest version of the game. An updated game is required to access Sporepedia, the MySpore page and other online features.
If you're unable to login
- Check the Announcements sub-forum for maintenance notices from an EA Community Manager.
- Make sure you have an updated version of the game.
- If you are a new player and have not already registered successfully, register the game with Origin (see above).
- Try logging into with your EA email and password. If you cannot login to the forum, contact EA support.
- If you can login on, post a message in this board Help section.
Technical Help with the Game
If you encounter issues in-game, or are unable to launch the game, see @Freggi-Liz Master Help FAQ.
Further Questions
If you have further questions, here's where to go:
Help with the Spore game itself (technical issues, crashes, bugs encountered while playing the game):
Help with purchasing, downloading, or registering the game (including all Origin issues):