Codemasters Team
3 years ago3.3 Update Discussion
Hey everyone,
The v3.3 Update is available now across all platforms. Please ensure you are connected to the internet in order to download the update.
This update adds several community-requested changes including Multi-Round Events, fixes to objectives and notifications, and a host of other bug fixes and tweaks. More about the update can be found here:
The full Patch Notes can be found here:
Here are a couple of points to be made aware of:
- For objectives to unlock, you may need to complete a race relevant to that objective. This should then award any rewards, if it doesn't please let us know
- All notification messages (!) can be cleared by heading to (Options > Gameplay > OSD)
Please use this thread to discuss anything to do with this update or any new issues you have seen arise.
See you on the GRID!