Information Request regarding Dirt 4/Rally
First off i want to say that Codemasters redirects ALL Support Request to EA's Support Forums, no Matter what Game (As you can see here: Contact Us - Codemasters - Racing Ahead )
I KNOW this is the Dirt Rally 2.0 Forum, but since Codemasters Support doesnt exist anymore (Support E-Mails disabled) and EA Livechat only sends me here even though he KNEW IM NOT ASKING ABOUT DIRT RALLY 2.0, i really do not care that this is the wrong Forum, because its literally the ONLY Place on this Planet where i can ask about this.
Now onto my actual Questions: Im in a Community of Achievement Hunters. Yesterday we found out that EA is sneak shutting down the Servers of both DIRT 4 and DIRT RALLY without a proper Announcement from neither Codemasters, nor EA.
I want to know the following:
-What is affected by the mentioned Shutdown? Is it just the PvP Part (Playing Races LIVE with other Players at the same Time) Or are the Leaderboards and Daily/Weekly/Monthly Events also affected by this?
-Any Chance the Achievements that will become unobtainable by this can have a Requirement Change so they can be obtained offline, or be removed etc. Just SOMETHING so they arent forever unobtainable.
-If both PvP and Events are removed, is there any Chance to postpone this for a certain Time so People that where caught Offguard, can still try to accomplish the Achievements?
Let me mention again, Codemasters Support does not exist anymore, do not tell me to ask them, because they put this Burden to answer upon you (EA) and disabled every Possibilty to contact them.
Have a nice Day regardless, im not an angry A-hole, ive just been trying for Hours to find the Answer to my Questions, and im quite frankly mindblown by how hard it is to contact literally any Person whatsoever on this.