This is a very nice update that fixes a lot of things, but as usual, it sill has its problems:
- The performance of the game took a massive hit (GTX 1650 here, went from smooth 55-60 fps to totally random drops - High settings)
- We FINALLY get to see our custom team name in final race standings – that is until you realise this isn't the case for every race mode (Head to Head still shows "Player Team" instead and possibly there's more)
- The patch notes say the following: “Your teammate has crashed” line no longer triggers incorrectly – what's funny is that I never had problems with this before, in fact it was rare to hear that line – now I hear it in just about every race, not to mention it's often wrong – so is this some sort of joke or reverse psychology here? Because the exact opposite of what's listed has happened.
- There's a new notification window for item unlocks and it no longer shows after the race, but only after the menu screen reloads – this is fine, but some of the icons are in wrong aspect ratio (see screenshot)
- You still haven't bothered to fix many cars having wrong mirror settings in the cockpit (the mirrors are reversed, so you constatly see cars coming at you from the wrong side) – and the cockpit is still MPH only despite using KPH for my HUD
Thanks for fixing the keyboard in Photo Mode and mostly fixing the custom team names. Even though it has took almost a full year and it still doesn't fully work everywhere. Better than nothing I guess. And the nemesis system finally works properly, that's the biggest success of this patch.
I'm not expecting any proper patch ever again as the final DLC has been released. It's however very sad to see in what state games get released these days and in some cases don't even get fixed over time. GRID Legends is a great game hurt by atrocious support and zero promotion. Not sure if the name Codemasters is fitting anymore, there's still a lot of issues that will likely remain unsolved. I don't regret paying 20€ for this game, it was a great deal, but I surely would be pissed if I paid the full price. And knowing the lack of support, I ain't giving 20€ to EA/Codies ever again, more like 5€ at best per game if anything.