@ColoradoKindBudlook, I am one of you who has same issue, frustration, and same right to complain. But I am not in rush to request for refund. I tried game, Enjoyed very much, experienced same issue.recorded lots of videos what keeps happening, texted so many reports. So I don't take away ur right ur complain.. U are right, I understand ur concerns..all of you. Game is unplayable. But..I see this matter from other side. I try to help others to manage and understand this problem that it isn't easy. Just read please again my post above. It is bug that isn't easy to investigate. They work on it. As they mentioned, they cooperate with Microsoft/Xbox to find a root of issue. Visibly it isn't just a little thing that they could do alone. Not sure that everyone, but some of us had to provide console ID . So, it means, they are working on it. To manage problem and lower the frustrations means first understand to problem. I love the game, was saving 80 € for half a year. But being angry doesn't help and game is worth of wait. U all have full reason to complain but PLEASE, try to understand it is not easy as we think. Let's try understand it is a game like others - will have bugs, glitches,will need fix or hopefully not. Let's try give them support and chance. It's at least we can do. I am sure we will reach day of full fix. U need understand I want play it too. So do not get upset at me. I keep trying see it from other perspective and try to get other see it same way,be patient and support those who made game we love, working hard on fix of game we love. 😉✌️but it's just up to you. I have no right to push you do different. Everyone has a choice , but everyone try see it from human point of view and support them. See it this way, If u were them, what would you do, what would you think ,how would you feel? U work hard on fix , can't speed it up, want give as best experience of play that u created game for and u have fans being angry ( of course reasonably) and unpatient but they have choice be patient and support you ,but don't want be bit more understanding, and pushing you,rushing you...really..it is JUST my point of view and I get LESS frustrated and disappointed,because I know, tgey work on it and my wait (even long) won't be useless and flushed away. Peace everyone. ✌️